WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

  title = "{A}ttribute {E}valuation on a {N}etwork of {T}ransputers",
  author= "Kuiper, Matthijs F. and Dijkstra, Atze",
  editor= "Wexler, J.",
  pages = "142--149",
  booktitle= "{OUG}-11: {D}eveloping {T}ransputer {A}pplications",
  isbn= "90 5199 020 0",
  year= "1989",
  month= "sep",
  abstract= "The structure and construction of parallel compilers that
     run on a network of transputers is discussed. The compilers
     are automatically generated from an attribute grammar
     definition of the source language. This work illustrates
     that parallelism can also be used in non-numeric
     computations. As part of implementing parallel compilers we
     have constructed a general message passing kernel for
     transputers. This kernel can also be used in other
     applications. First results indicate that parallel compiling
     on transputers is feasible and that 4 to 16 transputers can
     be used in parallel compilers."

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