WoTUG - The place for concurrent processes

Paper Details

An extension of the processor farm using a tree architecture

Authors: Green, S. A., Paddon, Derek J.


For problems that require a small database a processor farm model was proposed by May and Sheppard, and has subsequently had much success. Here, we assume that the database is too large to store completely at each node of the farm and consequently, data must be communicated throughout the network during the execution of a problem. The processor farm model is extended to allow work tasks to be completed when data items not resident locally at a node can be obtained by making a request for data across the network. The farm model is further extended by configuring the system as a tree topology. The extended farm topology is evaluated by using a set of graphics benchmark problems. Benchmark results are given for a tree farm of upto fifteen worker processors.


OUG-9: Occam and the Transputer -- Research and Applications, Charlie Askew, 1988, pp 53 - 70 published by IOS Press, Amsterdam

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