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CPA 2008From 7 to 10 September 2008, the Communicating Process Architectures (CPA) 2008 conference will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the University of York, U.K. The conference will be held at the York Marriott Hotel. On 11 September 2008, there will be an associated workshop, CoSMoS, Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation. Important dates
Invited speakers at CPA 2008Professor Samson Abramsky FRS is the Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing at the University of Oxford. He leads the Theory and Automated Verification group. He has worked in the areas of semantics and logic of computation, and concurrency. His work on game semantics considers interaction and information flow between multiple agents and their environment. This has yielded new approaches to compositional model-checking and to analysis for programs with state, concurrency, probability and other features. Provisional title: Types, orthogonality and genericity: some tools for communicating process architecturesProfessor Colin O'Halloran is the head of the Systems Assurance Group at QinetiQ. He has been instrumental in the uptake of Formal Methods in the development and verification of high assurance systems on an industrial scale. His research interests are in automating the use of formal methods, and using these techniques at reasonable cost on an industrial scale. Registration is now closedConference programmeThe full conference programme, including abstracts, is available here. The programme for the CoSMoS workshop is available here. CPA 2008CPA 2008 is the nineth under the name of CPA and the 31st in the series of WoTUG conferences. The origin for the inspiration of the CPA series of conferences, which began as the OUG-x, and later WoTUG-x series, is the theory of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) of C. A. R. Hoare. This gave rise to the design of the occam programming language and the Transputer - an entire computer on a single chip that could be composed with others to construct scalable systems. The combination of new theory, programming language, and system architecture, represented an unprecedented opportunity and challenge to systems engineering methodology. The OUG set out to answer that challenge. The proceedings of the last seventeen have been published by IOS Press, as part of their Concurrent Systems Engineering Series. CPA conferences are intense experiences - we aim for a workshop style, highly interactive atmosphere - this includes the informal Sunday-evening fringe session for open discussion, work-in-progress and other unpublished items. The conference can accommodate full paper presentations, short presentations, tutorials and seminar-style papers, as befits the submissions received. The conference is sponsored by WoTUG and AWE. Submissions will be refereed, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Copyright of these papers remains with the authors, making CPA an ideal venue for presenting early research that may be suitable for future journal publication. Prizes, sponsored by AWE, will be awarded for best overall paper and the best co-design paper. Accommodation
The full registration fee includes all CPA08 and fringe sessions, plus:
It is possible to register for Wednesday night and the CoSMoS Workshop, separately or with CPA2008. Part-rates and reductions for students are available. CPA 2007CPA 2007 was held at the University of Surrey. |
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