
Computational Science Education
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Table of Contents
Survey Articles
Computational Science and Engineering Education Programs
Adsmith: An Efficient Object-Based DSM Environment on PVM
Adventures in Supercomputing for high school and middle school teachers.
Australian National University Computational Science and Engineering Program
Arizona State University Mathematics Department
Caltech Applied Mathematics Department
Caltech Computer Science Department
Case Studies in Computational Engineering
Computing Maths, Cardiff University of Wales
Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
CC++ (Compositional C++)
Columbia University Computer Science
Cornell University Computer Science
Dartmouth College Computer Science
Duke University Computer Science
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Training and Education Centre (or EPCC-TEC)
George Washington University Computational Sciences Program
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hokkaido University, Japan
Indiana University Computer Science
Institute for Computational Science and Informatics, George Mason
Institute for Industrial Mathematics, University of Linz, Austria
Johns Hopkins University Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Computational Biology Program
Joint Institute for Computational Science (JICS),
University of Tennessee
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Mathematics Department
Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics
Manchester and North HPC Training & Education Centre
Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics,
Modeling and Collaborative Computational Science Projects
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
North Carolina State University Numerical Analysis
- North Carolina State University
Regional Training Center for Parallel Processing
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC),
Syracuse University
Northwestern University Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Old Dominion University
Oregon Graduate Institute
Parallel Programming with MPI at the University of San Francisco,
Princeton Department of Computer Science
Purdue University Computational Science and Engineering Program
Rice University Computational and Applied Mathematics Department
Rutgers University Computer Science
Scientific Computing/Computational Mathematics (SCCM) Program,
Stanford University
SIAM's Undergraduate Mathematics
Stanford University Computer Science Division
State University of New York (SUNY) at Brockport - Computational Science Program
State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook - Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Training Program in High Performance Computing for the Physical Sciences at
the University of Washington
UMIACS (Univ of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies)
Universtity of California at Berkeley Computer Science
Universtity of California at San Diego
University of California at Santa Barbara
University of Chicago
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Liverpool - Department of Statistics and Computational
University of Maryland Applied Mathematics
University of Maryland Baltimore Country Mathematics and Statistics
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
University of Michigan - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Michigan - Lab for Scientific Computation
University of Minnesota
University of New Mexico, Scientific and Engineering Computation
Graduate Certificate Program
University of North Carolina
Univ of Paderborn, Germany
University of Pennsylvania
University of Queensland Advanced Computational Modelling Centre,
industrial research in scientific computing
University of Tennessee Computational Science Program
University of Tennessee - Mathematics Department
University of Texas at Austin, Computational and Applied Mathematics Program
University of Utah CES Program
University of Washington
University of Waterloo Department of Combinatorics and Optimization
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin Mathematical Programming in Machine Learning
Virginia/ICASE/LaRC Program in HPCC
W.M. Keck Center for Computational Biology at Rice University
A Latent Semantic Index
of some of the following books is available.
For more information about Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), see
Supercomputing '95 paper on LSI.
- U.C. Berkeley CS267:
Applications of Parallel Computers, Jim Demmel, Spring 1995
The Archetypes Textbook
Computational Science Education Project
Computational Physics -- Simulation, Visualization, and Modeling,
University of Western Australia
Designing and Building Parallel Programs
A First Course in Programming the Intel Paragon, by Jeremy Cook
Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 programmer
Fortran 90 and HPF HTML Courses, University of Liverpool
High Performance Fortran Tutorial, Charles Koelbel
IBM SP2 Workshop, Maui High Performance Computing Center
An Introduction to Scientific, Symbolic, and Graphical Computing
LAPACK User's Guide
MPI: The Complete Reference
MPI Tutorials and Talks
Parallel Computing Works
- MIT 18.337:
Parallel Scientific Computing, Alan Edelman, Spring 1995
Proceedings of Workshop on Iterative Methods for Large Scale Nonlinear
PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine,
A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing
- Retooling Project,
A collection of educational materials from the CRPC to help HPCC users
"retool" for parallelism
Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey, by Michael Heath
A Survey of Preconditioned Iterative Methods, by Are Magnus Bruaset
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods
A User's Guide to MPI
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