Random Number Generators for Parallel Computers
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- 1
D.E. Knuth,
The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 2: Seminumerical Methods
(second edition), Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1981.
- 2
G.A. Marsaglia,
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S.K. Park and K.W. Miller,
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S.L. Anderson,
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F. James,
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P. L'Ecuyer,
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R.P. Brent,
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E.T. Dudewicz and T.G. Ralley,
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S. Kirkpatrick and E. Stoll,
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R.M. Ziff,
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P.D. Coddington,
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- 24
P.D. Coddington, S.-H. Ko, W.E. Mahoney and J.M. del Rosario,
Monte Carlo tests of parallel random number generators,
in preparation.
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S.A. Cuccaro, M. Mascagni and D.V. Pryor,
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A. De Matteis, S. Pagnutti,
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G.A. Marsaglia and L.H. Tsay,
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P. L'Ecuyer,
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A. De Matteis and S. Pagnutti,
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S.W. Golomb,
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G.S. Fishman,
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P. L'Ecuyer, F. Blouin, and R. Couture,
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B.A. Wichmann and I.D. Hill,
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P. L'Ecuyer and S. Tezuka,
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- 45
G.A. Marsaglia,
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- 46
W.F. Eddy,
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W. Celmaster and K.J.M. Moriarty,
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K.O. Bowman and M.T. Robinson,
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- 50
W. Evans and B. Sugla,
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S. Aluru, G.M. Prabhu and J. Gustafson,
A random number generator for parallel computers,
Parallel Computing 18, 839 (1992).
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C. Koelbel et al.,
The High Performance Fortran Handbook,
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1994.
- 54
P.D. Coddington, S.H. Ko, O. Odeyemi and C. Stoner,
A random number generator for High Performance Fortran,
in preparation.
- 55
T.-W. Chiu,
Shift-register sequence random number generators on the hypercube
concurrent computers,
Proc. of the 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and
Applications, ed. G. Fox, (ACM Press, New York, 1988), p. 1421.
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W.P. Peterson,
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- 57
CM Scientific Software Library,
Thinking Machines Corporation, Reading, Mass., 1993.
- 58
S. Wolfram,
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Adv. Appl. Math. 7, 123 (1986).
- 59
CM Fortran User's Guide,
Thinking Machines Corporation, Reading, Mass., 1994.
- 60
See the online manual pages for the Maspar.
- 61
XL High Performance Fortran for AIX Language Reference V1.1,
IBM Corporation, 1996.
- 62
pghpf User's Guide V2.0,
The Portland Group, Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon, October 1995.
- 63
D.V. Pryor, S.A. Cuccaro, M. Mascagni and M.L. Robinson,
Implementation and usage of a portable and reproducible parallel
pseudorandom number generator,
in Proc. of Supercomputing '94,
IEEE, 1994, p. 311.
- 64
M. Mascagni and D.H. Bailey,
Requirements for a parallel pseudorandom number generator,
Supercomputing Research Center technical report,
- 65
Cherri Pancake et al.,
Specification of Baseline Development Environment, Section 3,
Component BDE-3i,
Guidelines for Writing System Software and
Tools Requirements for Parallel and Clustered Computers.
Available at
- 66
P. Rodgers,
Physics World (Feb. 1991) p. 13;
S. Aoki et al.,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 2, 829 (1991);
K. Binder,
Large-scale simulations in condensed matter physics - the need for a
teraflop computer,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 3, 565 (1992).
Copyright © 1996
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Paul Coddington, paulc@npac.syr.edu