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Particle initialisation and exchange of information -- the all-gatherv operation


Each node initialises its own particles to to random positions:

srand48((long) my_rank);
for (i = 0; i < particle_number; i++) {
   particles[my_offset + i].x = drand48();
   particles[my_offset + i].y = drand48();
   particles[my_offset + i].z = drand48();
   particles[my_offset + i].mass = 1.0;
Observe that prior to using drand48 each processor seeds the random number generator with its own rank number within the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator. We have to do that because the function drand48 is random but entirely deterministic. Without seeding it, all processors would deliver a particle_number of identical particles. Beware that Argonne program nbody.c, which this file is based on, does not use seeding.

Once every node initialised its own segment, the nodes exchange their particles with all other nodes:

MPI_Allgatherv ( particles + my_offset, particle_number,
		 particles, counts, displacements, particle_type,

This new operation is related to MPI_Allgather, but is somewhat more complex. MPI_Allgather assumed that all processes would send chunks of data of identical length. MPI_Allgatherv, on the other hand, can collect chunks of data of different length from several nodes. In our case this is an overkill, because we still send chunks of data of identical length, but we could distribute particles unequally amongst processors, for example, in order to balance their unequal performance.

MPI_Allgatherv takes from each processor a batch of data described by its first three arguments: a buffer pointer (particles + my_offset), number of items (particle_number), and MPI type (particle_type). The data is assembled into an array given by its fourth argument (particles). The number of data received from each processor is specified by the array given as a fifth argument (counts), and the places where the data should be inserted in the destination buffer is given again by an array which is the sixth argument (displacements).

MPI_Allgatherv also has its close relative MPI_Gatherv, which does much the same job as MPI_Allgatherv, but the gathered data is delivered only to the root process.

The result of this operation is that by now all nodes know everything there is to know about all particles. Hence the evaluation of forces can commence.

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Zdzislaw Meglicki
Tue Feb 28 15:07:51 EST 1995