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Orienteering -- the gather operation


In the following portion of the code the nodes quickly find their own segments within particle array that is yet to be initialised. Once they find their offsets the master process collects them from every node and assembles them into array offsets. This array, however, is known only to the master because MPI_Gather is used instead of MPI_Allgather:

displacements[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < pool_size; i++)
   displacements[i] = displacements[i-1] + counts[i-1];
total_particles = displacements[pool_size - 1]
                  + counts[pool_size - 1];
my_offset = displacements[my_rank];
MPI_Gather ( &my_offset, 1, MPI_INT, offsets, 1, MPI_INT, host_rank,
             MPI_COMM_WORLD );

MPI_Gather is discussed in section 4.5, page 94, of ``MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard''. Numerous examples of using MPI_Gather are covered in section 4.5.1.

Zdzislaw Meglicki
Tue Feb 28 15:07:51 EST 1995