PTLib (Parallel Tools Library) Software Catalog

UTE Unified Trace Environment for IBM SP Systems

UTE is a unified trace environment designed to generate, analyze, and visualize trace events for applications running on IBM Scalable Parallel systems. No source code modification is necessary for trace generation. Message passing events can be generated along with system responses, such as process dispatch, page fault, and I/O activities. User markers are provided to mark various phases, loops, and routines if the application source code is available. All these events can be visualized, not only for users to understand the communication patterns of an application, but also to understand system responses and pinpoint the bottleneck of the application through source code visualization. UTE is built on top of the IBM AIX trace facility for generating system events. This provides a unified and easily expandable trace environment for various software layers such as MPL, MPI, PIOFS, and HPF.
Thr Jun 11 14:47:55 1998
Parallel Processing Tools!Execution and Performance Analyzers (including debuggers)
UTE Package (1.6 Mbytes) for MPIF and MPL on POE 1.2 with AIX 3.2.5. It is a compressed tar file including UTE libraries, utilities, and user's guide. UTE 2.0 Package (1.9 Mbytes) for MPL and MPI codes running on POE 2.1 with AIX 4.1. Last updated 4/1/96. This UTE version supports dynamic linking. Known bugs: Currently MPI trace generation works only with blocking MPI routines, such as mpi_send() and mpi_recv(). Trace generation for non-blocking MPI routines DOES NOT work yet.
C. Eric Wu

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