- Abstract
- Opus is a coordination language targeted towards multidisciplinary applications. It provides a coordination layer atop an existing data parallel language, such as HPF, and is designed to address both the programming in the large issues and the parallel performance issues arising in complex multidisciplinary applications. The Opus project consists of a set of language extensions to HPF, a source-to-source translator for converting the Opus syntax into HPF and standard Fortran, and a multi-layered, thread-based system to support coordination and communication between the different program segments.
- DateOfInformation
- Thr Apr 3 08:24:30 1997
- Domain
- Parallel Processing Tools!Parallel Programming Languages and Compilers
- Keyword
- parallel programming language; parallel runtime system; task parallelism; data parallelism; HPF
- TargetEnvironment
- Not Available
- Webpage
- http://www.cs.uwyo.edu/~haines/research/opus/
- ContactIs
- Matthew Haines
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