PTLib (Parallel Tools Library) Software Catalog


This library is based on MPICH, a widely used MPI implementation, but the collective communication primitives use new algorithms, optimized for wide area systems. The basic as­ sumption is that the wide area system is hierarchically structured. We expect a computational grid to consist of many parallel com­ puters connected by wide area networks. We use the term cluster to denote a single parallel machine (which can be a network of workstations, an MPP, or an SMP). All nodes within a cluster are connected by a high­speed interconnect that is orders of magnitude faster than the wide area interconnect between clusters. Collective communication algorithms are usually designed for local area networks, which have a low latency. Wide area systems however, have a high latency (and a lower bandwidth) and the per­ formance of collective communication operations is dominated by the traffic over the wide area links. Thus, our algorithms are de­ signed to reduce traffic over the slow links, resulting in a markedly different communication structure. Our algorithms are wide area optimal in that an operation incurs only a single wide area latency, and every data item is sent at most once across each wide area link.
Wed Mar 17 14:52:59 1999
Distributed Processing Tools
Aske Plaat
Thilo Kielmann

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