PTLib (Parallel Tools Library) Software Catalog

Lightweight Corefile Browser

The Lightweight Corefile Browser (LCB) provides a mechanism for capturing and representing the dynamic state of a parallel application that potentially involves hundreds of processes. LCB's goal is to provide a high-level view of the dynamic calling structure of the program, at the moment it terminated. The command-line browser reads the corefile, strips out all data concerning the culprit process and the reason it failed, and presents the results in a simple traceback format. LCB supports a graphical interface, as well as a textual interface for situations where graphics are unavailable or where processing time must be kept minimal.
Tue Jun 9 15:08:40 1998
Parallel Processing Tools!Execution and Performance Analyzers (including debuggers)
The xlcb modules are implemented in C++ and Tcl/Tk. They have been tested under Solaris 2.5, SunOS 4.1.3, HP-UX 9.05, and AIX 3.2. It was compiled using gcc 2.5.8 on all except AIX, which used gcc 2.3.3.
Ptools Support for both MQM and LCB
Review Information
PTLIB Review of Lightweight Corefile Browser

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