
     pc - perturbance compensation for an AIMS Trace file

    pc [ -options ] [ tracefile [ new tracefile ] ]

     pc tries to remove monitoring overhead from  a  trace  file.
     Two kinds of intrusions are considered: the CPU overhead due
     to the execution of instrumentation software and file-system
     usage for storing trace data (trace flushing) during program
     execution.  Currently, the user has to supply  the  overhead
     values via a parameter file.

     pc maintains the consistency of send-receive-block relation-
     ships  across  nodes  and  preserves barrier-synchronization

     The message routing time between nodes is determined for two
     possible  scenarios: a) a communication model with empirical
     values to estimate the transmit time, or b) "measured"  com-
     munication  time  for  the  case where the receiving request
     started before the sending occurred.  pc allows user to test
     both  cases.  Several communication models (LAN, MODEL, SP2,
     LOWER) are built into the current implementation of  pc  and
     can be selected from command line options.

     -file pfile
          gives a file that contains overhead  experimental  data
          or parameter file names.

     -b    indicates that broadcasts should be output  as  broad-

     -comm Model
          defines a communication model.  Possible  Model  values
          are:   LAN  (local  area  network),  MODEL (modeling by
          "latency+speed*size"), SP2 (IBM SP2), and LOWER (for  a
          lower bound).

     -latency value
          defines latency for MODEL.

     -sfactor factor
          defines speed factor (per byte) for MODEL.

          uses measured communication time if  receiving  request
          occurred before sending.

          do not post-sort new trace file (default is to sort).

          if present, a brief help message is printed.

     The default input trace file name  is  TRACE.SORT,  and  the
     default output trace file name is TRACE.PC.UNSORT (unsorted,
     if [-nsort] option is selected) or TRACE.PC.SORT (sorted).

     File names may also be specified in a file via [-file name],
     using  the  format  "<file type> <filename>" on each line,
     where <file type> is one of

          input trace file,

          new output trace file,

          communication parameter file (not yet functioning),

          overhead parameter file.  The data format of this  file
          is  "<event-type> <overhead-1> <overhead-2>" on each
          line.  Please refer to AIMS' Reference Manual  for  the
          values  of <event-type>.  <overhead-1> and <overhead-2>
          are overhead values  (in  seconds)  of  the  first  and
          second clock measurements for a given event type.

     AIMS(1), xinstrument(1), tracesort(1), VK(1), tally(1)
     The AIMS Reference Manual

AIMS Release 3.7    Last change: 2 July 1997