
     VK - View Kernel (AIMS program-visualization tool)

     VK [ options ] [ sorted trace file ]

     VK animates the execution of applications instrumented using
     AIMS. VK supports several different views, each portraying a
     different aspect of the application program's behavior.  See
     AIMS Reference Manual for details.

     The primary argument to VK is the name  of  a  sorted  trace
     file;  it  defaults  to  ./inst/TRACE.SORT. The sorted trace
     file is produced by first running an  instrumented  applica-
     tion  program  (see  batch_inst(1) and xinstrument(1) ) and
     then sorting the execution trace of that program using

     VK supports several options  that  can  be  specified  as  X
     resource  values.  Such specifications follow the standard X
     resource-resolution rules (i.e. the - xrm  switch,  and  the
     .Xdefaults   and  app_defaults  files).   The  user-settable
     options of AIMS can be found in the  file  /usr/lib/X11/app-
     defaults/Aims.   On-line  help for most windows in VK can be
     displayed by pressing the MOTIF help key (usually F1).

          Specify the time (in seconds) into the event  log  when
          VK  should  begin  playback  of  execution trace.  This
          value is interpreted as a floating-point literal.

          Specify the time (in seconds) into the event  log  when
          VK  should suspend playback.  This value is interpreted
          as a floating-point literal.

          Use this option if VK  is  unable  to  allocate  suffi-
          ciently  many  colors.   This  option  will cause VK to
          allocate all colors read-only.

          Shows command-line options.

     In  addition,  since  VK  uses  X  toolkit's   command-line-
     processing  utilities,  the user may pass standard X options
     (e.g.  -fg, -bg, -bw, -xrm.)

     $(HOME)/.Xdefaults        /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Aims

     AIMS(1),   xinstrument(1),    tracesort(1), tally(1)
     The AIMS Reference Manual

AIMS Release 3.7    Last change: 2 July 1997