Perl Modules

Modules available at CPAN:
At left is the list of perl modules needed by RIB. If you have already downloaded the entire RIB distribution, then these modules are already included in the package and you don't need to download them from here. The only reason you would need to download any of the modules individually from this page is if you prefer to get your copies of the modules directly from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) or if the modules in your RIB distribution were lost or damaged. The modules should be installed in the order in which they appear in the list.

Note that you can download all these modules at once from the RIB distribution page.

If you have trouble getting any of the perl modules from the CPAN then you can get mirrored copies of the modules from our site by clicking the "local" link.

Note that libnet version 1.05 and libwww version 5.08 are no longer available from CPAN because newer versions have replaced them. We have not thoroughly tested RIB with the newer versions of those modules, so we can't guarantee compatibility. However, we don't expect RIB to have any problems with the updated versions. If you prefer to install the newer versions (or already have them installed on your system) and have any problems please contact us at You can get the newer versions from CPAN.

RIB Module Like the modules in the list above it, the RIB perl module is already included in the RIB distribution. You should download this module if you already have the modules listed above and need to upgrade your installation of RIB. The RIB perl module is not available from CPAN.

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last updated: Mon Jan 26 19:02:55 EST 1998