NHSE ReviewTM 1997 Volume First Issue

A Survey of MPI Implementations

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In this article, parallel computing always refers to scientific computing on distributed memory multiprocessors.
In the MPI model, processes may be implemented within the same virtual address space, but all data is private to a process, and data in other processes can be accessed only through MPI subroutines. MPI does not forbid coexistence with other models, though interaction with these other models is not defined by MPI. MPI-2, which includes so-called one-sided communication, still presents a distributed memory model. MPI-2 also more clearly defines how a multithreaded MPI process behaves.
A disclaimer: One person's ``feature'' is another's ``bug,'', and the opinions in this review are subjective. Furthermore, MPI is an area of active development, with new versions released often. The information in this article is believed to be current as of its writing.
MPICH is pronounced ``em-pee-eye-see-aitch'' not ``empitch''
``MPP'' used to stand for ``Massively Parallel Processor and then ``Moderately Parallel Processor,'' but these days just means a highly integrated and tightly coupled distributed memory parallel computer, sold as a single machine.
Copyright © 1996

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