Overview of Iterative Linear System Solver Packages

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Chapter 3 The Packages

3.1 Aztec

Aztec is a parallel library of iterative solution methods and preconditioners. Its main aim is to provide tools that facilitate handling the distributed data structures. For this, there is a collection of data transformation tools, as well as query functions of the data structures.

3.1.1 Basic information

Available from Web site at http://www.cs.sandia.gov/CRF/aztec1.html; registration required
Author(s) Scott A. Hutchinson, John N. Shadid, Ray S. Tuminaro
Latest version 1.1, October 1995
Status Unknown

3.1.2 Contents

Iterative methods CG, GMRES, CGS, TFQMR, BiCGstab, Direct solve (on one processor only).

Preconditioners Block Jacobi with ILU on the subblocks; also Additive Schwarz, with an overlap limited to one.

Data structures Distributed variants of Compressed Row and Variable Block Row; see below.

Manual User's Guide, 43 pages

Example codes Yes

3.1.3 Parallelism and data layout

Aztec can handle arbitrary assignments of matrix rows to processors. Since this quite general arrangement makes it harder to construct the local numbering of the matrices (see section 2.2.2), the user can supply the matrix with global numbering and a preprocessing routine performs the localisation. However, the user does have to supply all rows on the appropriate processor.

3.1.4 Other

Aztec requires routines from Blas, Lapack, Linpack, Y12m.

3.1.5 Installation

As part of the installation, Aztec requests auxiliary routines from netlib, and places them in a subdirectory to be compiled later. This precludes native Blas or Lapack libraries to be used. There is no hint on how to substitute these. Aztec uses a distributed version of the MSR (Modified Sparse Row) storage format, which is close to the Compressed Row Storage format. I find this an unfortunate choice:

3.2 BlockSolve95

The main focus of the BlockSolve package is the implementation of SSOR and ILU preconditioners based on a parallel multi-colouring algorithm by the authors. The algorithm first computes a quotient graph of the matrix graph by eliminating cliques and identical nodes. Operations on the nodes of this quotient graph then become of BLAS2/3 type, leading to a high performance.

BlockSolve can be used with the Petsc package; section 3.10.

3.2.1 Basic information

Available from Web site at  http://www.mcs.anl.gov/blocksolve95/.
Author(s) Mark T. Jones and Paul E. Plassmann
Latest version 3.0, June 1997
Status Being maintained and further developed

3.2.2 Contents

Iterative methods CG, SYMMLQ, GMRES are provided, though these are not the main focus of package; BlockSolve can be interfaced to Petsc for more iterative methods.

Preconditioners diagonal scaling, block Jacobi with blocks corresponding to the cliques factored out of the quotient graph, incomplete LU and Cholesky.

Data structures Internal, as a C structure..

Manual Users Manual; 34 pages. This is a complete reference; the user is suggested to use the example codes as templates for applications.

Example codes Yes

 3.2.3 Parallelism and data layout

The user has two ways to pass the distributed matrix to BlockSolve.
  1. Since the definition of the data structure is given in the manual, the user can explicitly construct it.
  2. The user can supply a compressed row storage matrix, with column indices in the local numbering (section 2.2.2), to the routine BSeasy_A, which yields the matrix structure.
    In the second case, the matrix rows need to be consecutively numbered. In the first case the assignment of rows over the processors can be arbitrary; the user has to construct the mapping functions between local and global numberings. There are example codes illustrating this.

3.3 BPKIT2

BPKIT is a package of block preconditioners, that is, factorisation preconditioners that treat the matrix first on a subblock level, then recursively factor the blocks on the element level. One of the selling points of BPKIT is the object-oriented approach to this two-level factorsation.

3.3.1 Basic information

Available from Web site at http://www.cs.umn.edu/~Echow/bpkit.html/
Author(s) E. Chow and M. A. Heroux
Latest version 2.0, September 1996
Status Maintained

3.3.2 Contents

Iterative methods Flexible GMRES, though this is not the focus of the package

Preconditioners Block SSOR and ILU, possibly with block fill-in, and with various methods for explicit and implicit approximation of inverses of pivot blocks

Data structures Internal, as a C++ class.

Manual Reference manual, 53 pages

Example codes Yes, in Fortran, C, and C++

3.3.3 Installation

The makefile in the app subdirectory requires editing for the location of MPI and for compiler options.

The manual is not well written. Many parameters and auxiliary routines are under-documented.

3.4 GPS: General Purpose Solver

3.4.1 Basic information

Available from
Author(s) Olaf O. Storaasli, Majdi Baddourah, Duc Nguyen
Latest version 03/08/95 (submission to NASA Langley Software Server)
Status Approval for downloading the software did not come in in time for this report.

3.5 IML++

The IML++ package consists of C++ implementation of the iterative methods from the templates project [2]. It relies on the user supplying Matrix, Vector, and Preconditioner classes that implement the required operations.

An example implementation of such classes called Sparselib++ is available from the same authors. It contains uni-processor matrix classes based on compressed row and column and coordinate storage, a vector class, and Jacobi and ILU/IC preconditioners for the compressed row and column matrices. Additionally it contains tools for converting a Harwell-Boeing matrix or matrix file to these formats.

3.5.1 Basic information

Available from Web site at http://math.nist.gov/iml++/
Author(s) Jack Dongarra, Andrew Lumsdaine, Roldan Pozo and Karin A. Remington
Latest version 1.2, April 1996
Status Being maintained; IML++ will eventually be superseded by the Template Numerical Toolkit, a package not currently available.

3.5.2 Contents

Iterative methods BiCG, BiCGstab, CG, CGS, Chebyshev, GMRES, IR, QMR

Preconditioners n/a

Data structures n/a Manual Reference guide, 39 pages; also SparseLib++ Reference Guide, 20 pages.

Example codes no

3.6 Itpack 2C / ItpackV 2D

Itpack is a package of iterative methods. It runs sequentially, but ItpackV is an optimised version for vector machines such as the Cray Y-MP.

Itpack features adaptive determination of matrix bounds, to be used in accurate stopping tests, of for the Chebyshev semi-iteration.

3.6.1 Basic information

Available from Ftp site at ftp://ftp.ma.utexas.edu/pub/CNA/ITPACK; also on Netlib
Author(s) David R. Kincaid, Thomas C. Oppe, David M. Young
Latest version Itpack 2C: manual dated July 1997, Itpack 2D: manual dated May 1989
Status Being maintained

3.6.2 Contents

Iterative methods Jacobi Conjugate Gradient, Jacobi Semi-iteration (i.e., Chebyshev iteration, SOR, SSOR, SSOR CG, Reduced system CG, Reduced system SI

Preconditioners n/a; see above

Data structures Itpack 2C: Compressed Row (there are auxiliary routines to facilitate building the data structure); ItpackV 2D: ellpack storage.

Manual 22/14 pages

Example codes Yes

3.6.3 Installation

Itpack There is no makefile or anything like it, but there is really no need for it either, since a complete installation consists of one file of library routines and one file of tests.

The PROGRAM statement in the test files had to be edited.

The test code was insufficiently documented for an easy 'same problem but larger' test.

Nspcg.  The nspcg routines come in files with undescriptive names such as nspcg1.f.

The nspcg5.f file needed replacement of the timer routine.

3.7 Laspack

LASpack is an object-oriented package of iterative methods, iterative methods,multigrid solvers, and auxiliary routines for the iterative solution of linear systems. It does not run in parallel.

There are data structures for vectors, general and square matrices, and preconditioners; a large number of accessing and manipulating these objects is available.

3.7.1 Basic information

Available from Web site at http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/~skalicky/laspack/index.html; also from Netlib
Author(s) Tomás Skalický
Latest version 1.12.3, January 1996
Status Developed

3.7.2 Contents

Iterative methods Jacobi, SOR, SSOR, Chebyshev iteration, CG, CGN, GMRES, BiCG, QMR, CGS, BiCGstab, restarted GMRES.

Multigrid methods Conventional and Full multigrid, BPX preconditioning

Preconditioners Jacobi, SSOR, ILU(0)

Data structures Internal, created by passing elements by function call.

Manual Reference manual, 8+40 pages.

Example codes Yes.

3.8 ParPre

This is an add-on package to Petsc; section 3.10. It is solely a collection of parallel preconditioners, to be used with iterative methods either from Petsc or coded by the user. The data structures are those used by Petsc.

ParPre can be used independently of Petsc, but does require Petsc to be installed.

3.8.1 Basic information

Available from Web site at http://www.cs.utk.edu/~eijkhout/
Author(s) Victor Eijkhout and Tony Chan
Latest version 2.0.17
Status Maintained and developed

3.8.2 Contents

Iterative methods None

Preconditioners Additive and multiplicative Schwarz, Generalised Block SSOR, Schur complement domain decomposition, Algebraic multilevel methods (including multicolour ILU and algebraic multigrid).

Data structures Internal.

Manual Reference manual with programming examples; 32 pages.

Example codes Yes

3.8.3 Parallelism and data layout

All methods in ParPre are based on decomposition of the physical domain into subdomains, with an assignment of one subdomain per processor (or rather: process). Most methods involve a local solve on the subdomain, for which any of the non-parallel Petsc preconditioners can be used.

For the methods that do not have all subdomains operate in parallel (e.g., multiplicative Schwarz as opposed to additive Schwarz), the user can specify the strategy that determines the sequential ordering of the domains. The choices are: natural, red-black, and multicolour.

3.9 PCG

The PCG package has a large number of iterative methods and a few simple preconditioners. The code is publically available in a uni-processo