Overview of Iterative Linear System Solver Packages

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Chapter 2 Discussion

Iterative methods are subject to several design decisions that affect ease of use of the software and the resulting performance. In this section I will give a global discussion of the issues involved, and how certain points are addressed in the packages under review.

2.1 Preconditioners

A good preconditioner is necessary for the convergence of iterative methods as the problem to be solved becomes more difficult. Good preconditioners are hard to design, and this especially holds true in the case of parallel processing. Here is a short inventory of the various kinds of preconditioners found in the packages reviewed.

2.1.1 About incomplete factorisation preconditioners

Incomplete factorisations are among the most successful preconditioners developed for single-processor computers. Unfortunately, since they are implicit in nature, they cannot immediately be used on parallel architectures. Most packages therefore concentrate on more parallel methods such as Block Jacobi or Additive Schwarz. There are a few implementations of multicolour incomplete factorisations.

BlockSolve95 is the only package catching breakdown of the ILU or IC factorisation. The manual outlines code that successively shifts the diagonal until the factorisation succeeds.

2.1.2 Preconditioners for sequential processing

On sequential architectures, the BPKIT package provides sophisticated block factorisations, and LASpack contains multigrid solvers. Most other packages supply the user with variants of ILU (Incomplete LU) or IC (Incomplete Cholesky).

2.1.3 Preconditioners for parallel iterative methods

These are the approaches towards parallel preconditioning taken in the packages under review here.
Direct approximations of the inverse SPAI (section 3.13) is the only package that provides a direct approximation method to the inverse of the coefficient matrix. Since such an approximation is applied directly, using a matrix-vector product, it is trivially parallel. The SPAI preconditioner is in addition also generated fully in parallel.
Block Jacobi Each processor solves its own subsystem, and there is no communication between the processors. Since this strategy neglects the global/implicit properties of the linear system, only a limited improvement in the number of iterations can result. On the other hand, this type of method is very parallel.

All parallel preconditioner packages provide some form of Block Jacobi method.

Additive Schwarz As in the Block Jacobi method, each processor solves a local subsystem. However, the local system is now augmented to include bordering variables, which belong to other processors. A certain amount of communication is now necessary, and the convergence improvement can by much higher.

This method is available in Aztec (3.1), Petsc (3.10), ParPre (3.8), PSparselib (3.12).

Multicolour factorisations It is possible to perform global incomplete factorisation if the domain is not only split over the processors, but is also augmented with a multicolour structure. Under the reasonable assumption that each processor has variables of every colour, both the factorisation and the solution with a system thus ordered are parallel. The number of
synchronisation points is equal to the number of colours.

This is the method supplied in BlockSolve95 (3.2); it is also available in ParPre (3.8).

Block factorisation It is possible to implement block SSOR or ILU methods, with the subblocks corresponding to the local systems (with overlap, this gives the Multiplicative Schwarz method). Such factorisations are necessarily more sequential than Block Jacobi or Additive Schwarz methods, but they are also more accurate. With an appropriately chosen processor ordering (e.g., multicolour instead of sequential) the solution time is only a small multiple times that of Block Jacobi and Additive Schwarz methods.

Such block factorisations are available in Parpre (3.8); PSparselib (3.12) has the Multiplicative Schwarz method, under the name `multicolour SOR'.

Multilevel methods Petsc (3.10) and ParPre (3.8) are the only packages supplying variants of (algebraic) multigrid methods in parallel.
Schur complement methods ParPre (3.8) and PSparselib (3.12) contain Schur complement domain decomposition methods.

2.2 Data structure issues

Every iterative method contains a matrix-vector product and a preconditioner solve. Since these are inextricably tied to the data structures used for the matrix and the preconditioner (and possibly even to the data structure used for vectors), perhaps the most important design decision for an iterative methods package is the choice of the data structure.

2.2.1 The interface to user data

The more complicated the data structure, the more urgent the question becomes of how the user is to supply the structures to the package. This question is particularly important in a parallel context.

The packages reviewed here have taken the following list of approaches to this problem.

2.2.2 Parallel data layout

There are several ways of partitioning a sparse matrix over multiple processors. The scheme supported by all packages is partitioning by block rows. When a sparse matrix is distributed, the local matrix on each processor needs to have its column indices mapped from the global to the local numbering. Various packages offer support for this renumbering.

2.3 High performance computing

Sparse matrix problems are notoriously low performers. Most of this is related to the fact that there is little or no data reuse, thereby preventing the use of BLAS kernels. See for example the tests on vector architectures in [4].

Other performance problems stem from parallel aspects of the solution methods.

Here are then a few of the approaches taken to alleviate performance problems.

2.3.1 Quotient graph computation

A matrix defines a graph by introducing an edge (i, j) for every nonzero element a_ij. A dense matrix in this manner defines a graph in which each node is connected to every other node. This is also called a `clique'. Sparse matrices, on the other hand, induce a graph where, no matter the number of nodes, each node is connected to only a small number of other nodes.

However, sparse matrices from problems with multiple physical variables will have dense subblocks, for instance corresponding to the variables on any given node. It is possible to increase the efficiency of linear algebra operations by imposing on the matrix the block structure induced by these small dense subblocks. For instance, the scalar multiplication/division a_ika_kk-1a_ki that appears in Gaussian elimination now becomes a matrix inversion and a matrix-matrix multiplication, in other words, BLAS3 kernels.

Identifying cliques in the matrix graph, and deriving a quotient graph by `factoring them out', is the approach taken in the BlockSolve package; section 3.2.

The PCG package (section 3.9) takes the opposite approach in its Regular Grid Stencil data format. To get dense subblocks, the degrees of freedom have to be numbered first in regular storage, but in PCG they are numbered last. This approach is more geared towards vector architectures.

2.3.2 Inner products

Most linear algebra operations in the iterative solution of sparse systems are easily parallelised. The one exception concerns the inner products that appear in all iterative methods (with the exception of the Chebyshev iteration). Since the collection and redistribution of data in an inner product will inevitably have some processors waiting, the number of inner products should be kept low.

The conjugate gradients and bi-conjugate gradients algorithms have two interdependent inner products, and various people have suggested ways to reduce this to two independent ones, which can then combine their communication stages. See [3] and the references cited therein. This approach has been taken in the PIM package; section 3.11.

The second source of inner products is the orthogonalisation stage in the GMRES algorithm. Using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation, the inner products are independent and can be combined; however, this makes the resulting algorithm unstable. Modified Gram-Schmidt gives a more stable algorithm, but the inner products are interdependent, and have to be processed in sequence. A middle ground is to apply (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt twice.

2.4 Language

The languages used to implement the packages here are C, C++, and Fortran. To some extent the implementation language determines from what language the library can be called: C++ constructs can not be used from C, and if a C routine returns an internally allocated array, this routine cannot directly be used from Fortran. The Petsc library addresses this last point in its Fortran interface.

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