NHSE ReviewTM 1996 Volume Second Issue

Comparison of 3 HPF Compilers

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Chapter 1 -- Three HPF Compilers for the IBM SP

Three compilers for HPF that target the IBM Scalable POWERparallel System (SP) and networked clusters of IBM RISC System/6000 workstations running AIX are reviewed and contrasted:

(The noted dates are for actual release of the product version of each compiler at that revision-level to all users of the Cornell Theory Center IBM SP complex. The APR and PGI products were available in the field at other sites at much earlier dates -- APR's product line was in use at CTC from about mid-1992 -- and the IBM product was in Beta Test at CTC before April 1996, with a limited number of researcher-users of CTC employing earlier non-product versions in their computational research.

Note also that there are other HPF compilers available for the IBM SP, such as VAST-HPF from Pacific-Sierra Research, and ADAPTOR from the Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI) at the German National Research Center for Information Technology. These have not been reviewed for this paper.)

1.1 Summary of Conclusions

1.2 Introduction

This paper is an outgrowth of a number of talks, presentations, and training modules that the author prepared or participated in over the past five years at the Cornell Theory Center (CTC). During this time, the development of HPF as a standardized language for data parallel Fortran programming of distributed memory computers was first supported by the CTC. Then as HPF processors became generally available for the IBM SP, some were acquired and evaluated, documentation was augmented as required, training of staff and users was performed by the CTC, and various levels of user consulting was done. (It should be noted that none of the evaluations were organized as rigorous benchmarking efforts.) Over this period, the author has compared and contrasted the generated-code performance of these compilers, in conjunction with his Parallel Tools work with CTC colleagues.

The overall aim of this paper is to describe these compilation systems and to contrast the features supported by each compiler, presenting them in a compact form for those interested in either using a particular HPF product on an IBM SP, or in acquiring HPF resources for an IBM SP.

This paper assumes that the reader is familiar with FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90, and High Performance Fortran (HPF). Good online training material on these topics can be found at:

HPF Course: Student Notes -- Writing Data Parallel Programs with High Performance Fortran, of the EPCC Training and Education Centre, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

The High Performance Fortran standard (Version 1.1) can be found online at:

High Performance Fortran Forum, High Performance Fortran Language Specification, Version 1.1

The author is particularly in debt to Donna Bergmark, the project leader of the CTC Parallel Tools Team, who first promoted the furtherance and the use of HPF at the CTC. Many of the example codes in this paper are the result of her work or of collaborations with which she has been a partner.

1.3 Organization of this Report

Chapter 2 contains the main material of the evaluation. After a brief discussion of the evaluation criteria, four tabularizations are presented:

It must be noted at the outset that this paper is not the result of a "benchmarking" effort, either of the compilation-time performance of the three compilers or of the generated target code.

Chapter 3 describes the architecture of each compiler at a high level and gives some general information about the run time system to support parallel execution that each uses.

Chapters 4, 5, and 6 exhibit details of code generated by each compiler, contrasting between them, for small HPF codes. Complete listings, in intermediate FORTRAN 77 or in a pseudo-Fortran form are available for each example.

The only conclusions drawn by this report are the comparisons summarized in Chapter 2 and thus there is no separate "Conclusions" chapter.

Copyright © 1996

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