NHSE ReviewTM 1996 Volume First Issue

Cluster Management Software

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Chapter 7 -- References

D. Hutchinson and P. Lever, Uses of Computing Clusters for Parallel and Cooperative Computing, A Report for JISC NTSC, Manchester University, December 1993.

M. Baker, T. Hey and L. Robertson, Cluster Computing Report, A Report for the JISC NTSC, The University of Southampton, January 1995.

M.A. Baker, Distributed Cluster Computing Environments, NPAC Technical Report - being prepared, March 1996.

J.S. Kaplan and M.L. Nelson, A Comparison of Queuing, Cluster and Distributed Computer System, NASA Langley Research Center, Technical Report, October 1993.

J.S. Kaplan and M.L. Nelson, A Comparison of Queuing, Cluster and Distributed Computer System, NASA Langley Research Center, Technical Report, June 1994.

L.H. Turcotte, A Survey of Software Environments for Exploiting Networked Computing Resources, Mississippi State University Report, June 1993.

G.C. Fox and W. Furmanski, The Use of the National Information Infrastructure and High Performance Computer in Industry, NPAC Technical Paper, Syracuse University, July 1995.

W. Saphir, L. Tanner and B. Traversat, Job Management Requirement for NAS Parallel Systems and Clusters NAS Technical Report NAS-95-006, February 1995.

M.A. Baker and R.J. Cloke, Preliminary Evaluation of Batch/Cluster Software, The University of Southampton, Computing Services, Technical Report, July 1994.

S. Herbert, Systems Analysis: Batch Processing Systems, The University of Sheffield, Academic Computing Services, Technical Report, May 1995.

P. Rousselle, S. Hariri and P. Tymann, Redundant Task Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University, Technical Report SCCS 658, 1994.

CODINE: Computing in Distributed Networked Environments, GENIAS Software GmbH on-line, September 1995.
URL http://www.genias.de/genias/english/codine/Welcome.html

J. Suplick, An Analysis of Load Balancing Technology, CXSOFT Technical Report, Richardson, Texas, January 1994.

Introducing NQE - IN-2153 2.0, Craysoft Publications, Cray Research Inc, May 1995.

S.R. Presnell, The Batch Reference Guide, 3rd Edition, Batch Version 4.0, Dept. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, March 1994.

F. Ramme, T. Römke and K. Kremer, A Distributed Computing Center Software for the Efficient Use of Parallel Computer Systems, Int. Conf. on High-Performance Computing and Networking, Proceedings of the HPCN Europe, Springer-Verlag 1994, LNCS No. 797, Vol. II, pp 129-136.

F. Ramme and K. Kremer, Scheduling a Metacomputer by an Implicit Voting System, 3rd IEEE Int. Symp. on High-Performance Distributed Computing, San Francisco, 1994, pp 106-113.

J. Pruyne & M. Livny, Parallel Processing on Dynamic Resources with CARMI, Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, IPPS '95, April 25, 1995.

M. Livny, The Condor Distributed Processing System, Dr Dobbs Journal, Feb 1995 pp 40-48.

T.P. Green, DQS 3.0.2 Readme/Installation Manual, Supercomputer Computations Research Institute, Florida State University, Tallassee, July 1995.
URL http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~pasko/DQS.ps

D.A. Lifka, M.W. Henderson, and K. Rayl, Users Guide to the Argonne Sp Scheduling System, Mathematics and Computer Science Division Technical Memorandum No. ANL/MCS-TM-201, Argonne National Laboratory, May 1995.

C.J. Gittings, J.S. Morgan and J. Wetherall, far - A Tool for Exploiting Space Workstation Capacity, A draft paper available from ftp://ftp.liv.ac.uk/pub/far/farpaper.ps

S. Herbert, Systems Analysis- Batch Processing Systems, Academic Computing Services, The University Of Sheffield, UK.
URL http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/nqs/Manuals/Papers/JISC/JISC0002/

S. Herbert, Generic NQS - Free Batch Processing For UNIX, Academic Computing Services, The University Of Sheffield, UK.

D.P. Kingston, A Tour Through the Multi-Device Queueing Systems Revised for MDQS 2.12, Technical Paper, Ballistics Research Laboratory, February 1989.

R.L. Henderson and D. Tweten, Portable Batch System: Requirement Specification, NAS Technical Report, NASA Ames Research Center, April 1995.

B. C. Neuman and S Roa, The Prospero Resource Manager: A Scalable Framework for Processor Allocation in Distributed Systems, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol 6(4), 339-355, June 1994.

S. Roa, Prospero Resource Manager 1.0 User Guide, Technical Paper, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, 1995.

G.C. Fox, W. Furmanski, M. Chen, C. Rebbi, J. Cowie, WebWork: Integrated Programming Environment Tools for National and Grand Challenges, NPAC Technical Report SCCS-715, Syracuse University, June 14 1995.

The OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), Overview.
URL http://www.osf.org/comm/lit/OSF-DCE-PD-1090-4.html

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