
Parallel Programming and Java conference

13 - 16 April 1997, Dish Hotel, Enschede, the Netherlands
Organised by the Control Laboratory of the
University of Twente
the Netherlands


This conference is aimed at persons that use object based programming languages (such as Java or occam) to design multi-threaded applications. These applications range from simple Java applets through to internet/ intranet client-server systems, embedded systems and general parallel and distributed multiprocessing.

With its tutorial programme, the conference is also aimed at anyone responsible for teaching in the above areas. With the growing number of Universities switching to Java as the prime language for imperative programming, this meeting is especially timely.

The "Parallel Programming and Java" conference scheduled for 13 - 16 April 1997 is being organised by WoTUG. WoTUG is a world-wide network of scientists and engineers working on the practical use of parallel computing. This network has been in operation since 1984 and has hosted some 50 conferences world-wide. WoTUG-20, the twentieth conference organised by the European branch, will be hosted by the University of Twente, the Netherlands.

Conference Themes: Multithreading, Parallelism and Design Patterns

Multithreading is becoming more and more the accepted technique to implement parallelism in contemporary languages, such as Java and C++, and may as such be considered the replacement for the multi-tasking approach. Multithreading by itself, however, is not enough to solve the parallel programming problems. Multithreading should be accompanied by a formalism that assists the programmer to generate correct multithreaded code. WoTUG-members have a track record of implementing parallelism for over a decade based on the formal theory of CSP. This conference brings the two worlds together in order to cross-fertilise both areas.

Parallelism may be considered an inherent property of a system. If so, this property should be considered during system design and parallelism should not be used as a mere tool to improve incidental performance. Parallelism is too valuable a property of a system to be ignored. The problem with the (software) design cycle is that an inherently parallel design is often implemented on a sequential computing platform. There is no formalism to support this task. On the other hand, the transformation from parallel application to parallel software may be realised using the CSP programming paradigm, structured design methods or the object oriented paradigm and design patterns. As Doug Lea writes in his book "Concurrent Programming in Java"; "One of Java's most powerful capabilities is its built-in support for threads, making concurrent programming a viable option for Java development".

The multithreaded feature of Java is being proposed as an approach to concurrent programming. Java, however, needs to be accompanied by a design formalism for parallel or concurrent systems design. This conference will address the design of parallel or concurrent applications in the area of embedded real-time systems as well as in general purpose concurrent programming. This includes the use of any parallel language, including Java, in a practical way.

For abstracts of the accepted papers click here

For the tutorial programme click here

Preliminary conference schedule
The conference will be held from 13 - 16 April, 1997.


Saturday 12 April Arrival in Enschede, check-in. Java buffet dinner at 20:00 Hrs. offered by the University of Twente. At Schiphol trains for Enschede leave at 2 minutes past the hour and 3 minutes past the half-hour the latter with one changeover in Amersfoort (opposite side of the platform). Journey time is 2 hours. Ticket price is about 40 guilders. ( For a international train time table click here)
Sunday 13 April Tutorials/Workshops:
Evening: WoTUG Special Interest Groups.
Monday 14 April Conferece followed by session of the Special Interest Groeps.
Tuesday 15 April Conference, followed by the panel session and conference dinner.
Wednesday 16 April Conference until lunch at 14:00 Hrs.
The Schiphol trains leaves Enschede at 14:28 Hrs.
and arrives at Schiphol Airport at 16:35 Hrs. ( For a international train time table click here)
Conference fees

The conference fee includes tutorials, proceedings and all meals. Accommodation should be ordered separately. 4* and 3* is an indication of the luxury of the rooms. Double room prices are for double occupancy of the room. First choice should be the Dish hotel if that is booked up you will be moved to the Campus hotel.


Currency: DFl. BP US$ DM  
Conference fee Sun - Wed 495.00 163.20 266.60 440.80  
Accommodation packages:          
A single room Dish 4* p/n 125.00 41.20 67.35 111.30  
C single room Dish 3* p/n 100.00 33.00 53.85 89.00 Sold out !!
E double room Dish 4* p/n 140.00 46.15 75.40 124.70  
F double room Dish 3* p/n 115.00 38.00 62.00 102.40 Sold out !!
Click here for a copy of the Registration form

Student Discount

The WoTUG committee will grant a discount to a qualified students to attend the conference. The application for this discount may be done electronically by filling out the form in the above link. The student discount is Dfl. 270,00 or BP 89 or US$ 145.50. As a result the total price per student for conference and accommodation has been reduced to BP 150 or US$ 245.10, based on rooms with double occupancy.

Conference Organiser

The conference organiser is:
Prof. Andrew P. Bakkers
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
NL-7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone: 00-31-53-489 2794
Fax: 00-31-53-489 2223
E-mail: bks@el.utwente.nl

Program Committee

The scientific program is refereed by the international WoTUG committee.

Published Proceedings

The Proceedings will be published by IOS Press see :

Different style sheets for papers and journals published by IOS Press can be found in :
ios.sty [ASCII document] (1993-Jul-20 09:43:27, 9K)
ios10.sty [ASCII document] (1993-Jul-20 09:38:24, 5.4K)
ios12.sty [ASCII document] (1993-Jul-20 09:38:24, 5.4K)
iosWord7.dot [MS Word template file for the IOS Press type sheet]

Would you like to be kept informed? Then, mail to: wotug20@rt.el.utwente.nl