@InProceedings{GibsonRobinson13c, title = "{U}sing {FDR} to {M}odel {C}heck {CSP}-{L}ike {L}anguages", author= "Gibson-Robinson, Thomas", editor= "Welch, Peter H. and Barnes, Frederick R. M. and Broenink, Jan F. and Chalmers, Kevin and Pedersen, Jan Bækgaard and Sampson, Adam T.", pages = "323--324", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2013", isbn= "978-0-9565409-7-3", year= "2013", month= "nov", abstract= "This talk presents a demonstration of tyger, a tool that has been constructed to allow a large class of CSP-like languages to be simulated in CSP. In particular, FDR will be used to demonstrate model checking of a simple CCS version of the classic Dining Philosophers problem. The theory behind this demonstration will be presented in the paper \textquotedblEfficient Simulation of CSP-Like Languages\textquotedbl." }