@InProceedings{SimpsonRitson09, title = "{T}oward {P}rocess {A}rchitectures for {B}ehavioural {R}obotics", author= "Simpson, Jonathan and Ritson, Carl G.", editor= "Welch, Peter H. and Roebbers, Herman and Broenink, Jan F. and Barnes, Frederick R. M. and Ritson, Carl G. and Sampson, Adam T. and Stiles, G. S. and Vinter, Brian", pages = "375--386", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2009", isbn= "978-1-60750-065-0", year= "2009", month= "nov", abstract= "Building robot control programs which function as intended is a challenging task. Roboticists have developed architectures to provide principles, constraints and primitives which simplify the building of these correct, well structured systems. A number of established and prevalent behavioural architectures for robot control make use of explicit parallelism with message passing. Expressing these architectures in terms of a process-oriented programming language, such as occam-pi, allows us to distil design rules, structures and primitives for use in the development of process architectures for robot control." }