@InProceedings{Lawrence03, title = "{O}vertures and hesitant offers: hiding in {CSPP}", author= "Lawrence, Adrian E.", editor= "Broenink, Jan F. and Hilderink, Gerald H.", pages = "97--109", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2003", isbn= "1 58603 381 6", year= "2003", month= "sep", abstract= "Hiding is an important and characteristic part of CSP. Defining it in thepresence of priority for CSPP needs care. The ideas of overtures and hesitant offersintroduced here arise naturally in the context of Acceptances. They provide clearinsight into the behaviour of hidden processes. And particularly illuminate the originof the nondeterminism which frequently arises from hiding.Keywords: CSP; CSPP; Denotational semantics; formal methods; concurrency; parallelsystems; occam; hardware compilation; priority; hiding." }