@InProceedings{Lawrence01c, title = "{I}nfinite {T}races, {A}cceptances and {CSPP}", author= "Lawrence, Adrian E.", editor= "Chalmers, Alan G. and Mirmehdi, Majid and Muller, Henk", pages = "93--102", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2001", isbn= "1 58603 202 X", year= "2001", month= "sep", abstract= "There is a long standing problem when infinite traces are included in denotational semantic models of CSP. Full models fail to be Complete Partial Orders under refinement. This paper introduces a novel, but entirely natural, way of representing infinite behaviour in which refinement is a Complete Partial Order when the alphabet of events is finite. Acceptance semantics also solves the problem of infinite behaviour with an infinite alphabet. That requires a different construction based on a metric space and will be described elsewhere." }