This is VCR version 2.0k released on 3rd November 1992. Installation of this system is described in the accompanying document titled "VCR 2.0k Installation Notes". The Virtual Channel Router (VCR) software, the accompanying documentation and the virtual occam compiler are licensed free of charge with absolutely no warranty. Copyright of the VCR software and documentation is retained by the University of Southampton. Copyright of the virtual occam compiler is retained by Inmos. The make utility provided in the distribution is, to the best knowledge of the VCR authors, entirely public domain code. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of the VCR documentation as received, in any medium, provided that copyright and permission notices are preserved, and that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice. Further copies of the VCR software system may be made and distributed at will, provided that it is distributed in full with no modifications and that no charge is made other than media costs. Parties wishing to distribute modified versions of the VCR package, including commercial products utilising the VCR system, should contact the authors for further clarification. Permission will usually then be granted. Since this software is licensed free of charge it is supplied without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the VCR system is with the user. --------------------------------------------------------------- Authors : Mark Debbage and Mark Hill, University Of Southampton Distributed by : University of Southampton Parallel Applications Centre 2 Venture Road Chilworth Research Centre Southampton SO1 7NP United Kingdom and via anonymous ftp: ( in pub/transputer/vcr