Bulletin number: 356 Products affected: D7214 D7205_beta Description: segment ordering breaks icollect Component: icollect Date: Mon Jan 7 15:16:23 GMT 1991 ----- D7214 transputer version and D7205 Beta PC version icollect have a bug which only appears when the *.cfs file uses the order attribute and the code segment is placed lowest in memory. /*** This is OK! ***************************************/ /* node (element="process",stacksize = 8K, heapsize = 10K, order(stack = -3, code = -2), interface(input fs,output ts)) hello ; */ /*** This is no good ***********************************/ node (element="process",stacksize = 8K, heapsize = 10K, order(stack = -1, code = -2), interface(input fs,output ts)) hello ; There are 3 possible solutions: 1) Use the PC hosted version of icollect supplied with D7214. This will work fine for modest sized configurations, but will run out of memory with large ones. 2) Use the transputer version of icollect (version 2.0.20) supplied with the beta release of D7205 OCCAM Toolset. If you chose this course make sure that you replace the D7214 version of sysproc.lib with the one from D7205 Beta and reconfigure. Failure to do so will cause icollect to complain that sysproc.lib has not been linked. 3) If one of the non-code segments can be made very small, place it below the code segment. Please note that the PC hosted version of icollect distributed with D7205 Beta also exhibits the same problem - All will be well for the product release.