Bulletin number: 350 Products affected: D7214 D6214 D5214 D4214 Description: imakef pathname problems Component: imakef Date: Fri Oct 12 16:38:50 BST 1990 ----- 1) imakef does not understand pathnames used by #include directives in C programs. e.g. #include "sys/socket.h" is in the source file and ISEARCH contains a path pointing to the directory where the file socket.h can be found. imakef complains that "sys/socket.h" cannot be found. 2) imakef knows that Dx205 will look for OCCAM source files along ISEARCH and assumes that Dx214 does the same, which it does not. imakef will generate makefiles with lines as below where both foo.occ and bar.c are found along ISEARCH. oc foo.occ /t2 /h /o foo.t2h - this works icc bar.c \t5 \o bar.t5h - this fails Workaround: When using C edit the makefile to have full pathnames or use Macros to define a path and then insert the Macro instead of the full path where necessary.