Bulletin number: 38 Products affected: D505A D605A D705B Description: icheck reports error in the wrong file Component: icheck Date: Fri Mar 16 13:21:02 GMT 1990 ----- This replaces bulletin number 34. If icheck detects that an option has been used more than once in a CASE statement and the option is constant defined in an include file then it list the contensts of the include file as the location of the error. See example below: ------------------ TEST.INC VAL one IS 1 : VAL two IS 2 : VAL three IS 3 : ------------------ TEST.OCC PROC test () #INCLUDE "test.inc" INT x : CASE x one SKIP two SKIP one <-- here's the error SKIP three SKIP : ------------------ output from "ICHECK TEST" 1:VAL one IS 1 : :VAL two IS 2 : :VAL three IS 3 : : Error-icheck-test.inc(1)- Option has already been used in this CASE 1 error found in source ------------------ The problem has been fixed in oc (in the TCOFF toolsets).