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Declaration and transmission of non-contiguous data


Transmission of matrix rows was easy, because the rows are stored contiguously in C. But how are we to transfer columns? In C, matrices are said to be row major ordered. That is, if the rows of our small matrices are COLUMNS long, a column will correspond to a set of entries in a long array containing all matrix elements, which occur every COLUMNS entries in that long array.

In order to transfer columns we have to be able to tell MPI that it should skip every COLUMNS elements in order to get from one column entry to the next one.

The call to function MPI_Type_vector conveys this information:

MPI_Type_vector (ROWS, 1, COLUMNS, MPI_INT, &column_type);
MPI_Type_commit (&column_type);
This call tells MPI that column_type is made of ROWS chunks of data, whose length is 1 per chunk and whose MPI type is MPI_INT, and that that data is scattered throughout an array with the stride of COLUMNS.

The next call to MPI_Type_commit tells MPI to optimise retrieval of data from and writing to what we now call column_type -- if it can.

The function MPI_Type_vector is discussed on page 61, section 3.12.1, ``MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard''.

Now we can attempt shifting columns of data between processes:

MPI_Sendrecv ( &matrix[0][1], 1, column_type, left_neighbour, 7007,
               &matrix[0][COLUMNS - 1], 1, column_type, 
               right_neighbour, 7007,
               cartesian_communicator, &status );
MPI_Sendrecv ( &matrix[0][COLUMNS - 2], 1, column_type, 
               right_neighbour, 8008,
               &matrix[0][0], 1, column_type, left_neighbour, 8008,
               cartesian_communicator, &status );
Observe that we send and receive only one item of column_type, not ROWS items. column_type represents the whole column.

The first call sends the second column of the worker matrix to the left_neighbour while receiving the second column of the neighbour matrix from the right_neighbour into its last column at the same time.

The second call sends the second last column of the worker matrix to the right_neighbour while receiving the second last column of the neighbour matrix from the left_neighbour into its first column at the same time.

Once this operation has been completed, the master process again collects matrices from the workers and displays them on standard output.

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Zdzislaw Meglicki
Tue Feb 28 15:07:51 EST 1995