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The listing of eighth.c


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "mpi.h"

int main ( int argc, char **argv )
    int pool_size, my_rank, host_rank, destination, source, node_name_length,
        *host_rank_ptr, found_flag, int_buffer[BUFSIZ];
    char char_buffer[BUFSIZ], my_node_name[BUFSIZ], console_name[BUFSIZ],
    MPI_Status status;
    boolean_t i_am_the_master = B_FALSE; 

#include "preamble.c"


#define UPDOWN              0
#define SIDEWAYS            1
#define RIGHT               1
#define UP                  1


#define PROCESS_ROWS        4
#define ROWS                4
#define DISPLAY_ROWS       16      /* must be PROCESS_ROWS * ROWS */

#define PROCESS_COLUMNS     3
#define COLUMNS             4
#define DISPLAY_COLUMNS    12      /* must be PROCESS_COLUMNS * COLUMNS */

        int periods[PROCESS_DIMENSIONS] = {0, 0};
        int reorder = 1;
        MPI_Comm cartesian_communicator;
        int my_cartesian_rank, my_coordinates[PROCESS_DIMENSIONS];
        int left_neighbour, right_neighbour, bottom_neighbour,

        MPI_Cart_create ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, PROCESS_DIMENSIONS, divisions, 
                          periods, reorder, &cartesian_communicator );

        if (cartesian_communicator != MPI_COMM_NULL) {

           int matrix [ROWS][COLUMNS];
           int i, j;
           MPI_Datatype column_type;

           MPI_Comm_rank ( cartesian_communicator, &my_cartesian_rank );
           MPI_Cart_coords ( cartesian_communicator, my_cartesian_rank,
                             PROCESS_DIMENSIONS, my_coordinates );
           MPI_Cart_shift ( cartesian_communicator, SIDEWAYS, RIGHT, 
                            &left_neighbour, &right_neighbour );
           MPI_Cart_shift (cartesian_communicator, UPDOWN, UP,
                           &bottom_neighbour, &top_neighbour );

           if (! i_am_the_master ) {
              sprintf(char_buffer, "process %2d, cartesian %2d, \
coords (%2d,%2d), left %2d, right %2d, top %2d, bottom %2d",
                      my_rank, my_cartesian_rank, my_coordinates[0],
                      my_coordinates[1], left_neighbour, right_neighbour,
                      top_neighbour, bottom_neighbour);
              MPI_Send(char_buffer, strlen(char_buffer) + 1, MPI_CHAR,
                      host_rank, 3003, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
           else {

              int number_of_c_procs, count;

              number_of_c_procs = divisions[0] * divisions[1]; 
              for (count = 0; count < number_of_c_procs - 1; count++) {
                 MPI_Recv(char_buffer, BUFSIZ, MPI_CHAR, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 3003,
                          MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
                 printf ("%s\n", char_buffer);
              printf( "process %2d, cartesian %2d, \
coords (%2d,%2d), left %2d, right %2d, top %2d, bottom %2d\n",
                      my_rank, my_cartesian_rank, my_coordinates[0],
                      my_coordinates[1], left_neighbour, right_neighbour,
                      top_neighbour, bottom_neighbour);

           for ( i = 0; i < ROWS; i++ ) {
              for ( j = 0; j < COLUMNS; j++ ) {
                 matrix [i][j] = my_cartesian_rank;

           if (! i_am_the_master ) 
              MPI_Send ( matrix, COLUMNS * ROWS, MPI_INT, host_rank, 3003,
                         cartesian_communicator );
              collect_matrices ( cartesian_communicator, my_cartesian_rank,
                                 matrix, 3003 );

           MPI_Sendrecv ( &matrix[ROWS - 2][0], COLUMNS, MPI_INT, 
                          top_neighbour, 4004,
                          &matrix[0][0], COLUMNS, MPI_INT, bottom_neighbour, 
                          cartesian_communicator, &status );

           MPI_Sendrecv ( &matrix[1][0], COLUMNS, MPI_INT, bottom_neighbour,
                          &matrix[ROWS - 1][0], COLUMNS, MPI_INT, 
                          top_neighbour, 5005,
                          cartesian_communicator, &status );

           if (! i_am_the_master ) 
              MPI_Send ( matrix, COLUMNS * ROWS, MPI_INT, host_rank, 6006,
                         cartesian_communicator );
              collect_matrices ( cartesian_communicator, my_cartesian_rank,
                                 matrix, 6006 );

           MPI_Type_vector (ROWS, 1, COLUMNS, MPI_INT, &column_type);
           MPI_Type_commit (&column_type);

           MPI_Sendrecv ( &matrix[0][1], 1, column_type, left_neighbour, 7007,
                          &matrix[0][COLUMNS - 1], 1, column_type, 
                          right_neighbour, 7007,
                          cartesian_communicator, &status );
           MPI_Sendrecv ( &matrix[0][COLUMNS - 2], 1, column_type, 
                          right_neighbour, 8008,
                          &matrix[0][0], 1, column_type, left_neighbour, 8008,
                          cartesian_communicator, &status );

           if (! i_am_the_master )
              MPI_Send ( matrix, COLUMNS * ROWS, MPI_INT, host_rank, 9009,
                         cartesian_communicator );
              collect_matrices ( cartesian_communicator, my_cartesian_rank,
                                 matrix, 9009 );

    MPI_Finalize ();

int print_array (int array [DISPLAY_ROWS] [DISPLAY_COLUMNS], 
                          int vertical_break,
                          int horizontal_break)
   int k, l;

   printf ("\n");
   for (k = DISPLAY_ROWS - 1; k >= 0; k -- ) {
      for (l = 0; l < DISPLAY_COLUMNS; l ++ ) {
         if (l % horizontal_break == 0) printf (" ");
         printf ( "%2d ", array [k][l] );
      printf ( "\n" );
      if (k % vertical_break == 0) printf ( "\n" );

int collect_matrices (MPI_Comm cartesian_communicator, 
                      int my_cartesian_rank,
                      int matrix[ROWS][COLUMNS], 
                      int tag)
   int coordinates[PROCESS_DIMENSIONS];
   int client_matrix[ROWS][COLUMNS];
   int i, j, k, l, source;
   MPI_Status status;
   for ( i = PROCESS_ROWS - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) {
      for ( j = 0; j < PROCESS_COLUMNS; j ++ ) {
         coordinates[0] = i;
         coordinates[1] = j;
         MPI_Cart_rank ( cartesian_communicator, coordinates,
                         &source );
         if (source != my_cartesian_rank) {
            MPI_Recv ( client_matrix, BUFSIZ, MPI_INT, source, tag,
                      cartesian_communicator, &status );
            for ( k = ROWS - 1; k >= 0; k -- ) {
               for ( l = 0; l < COLUMNS; l++ ) {
                  display [i * ROWS + k] [j * COLUMNS + l] =
         else {
            for ( k = ROWS - 1; k >= 0; k -- ) {
               for ( l = 0; l < COLUMNS; l ++ ) {
                  display [i * ROWS + k] [j * COLUMNS + l]
                     = matrix[k][l];
   print_array (display, ROWS, COLUMNS);

Zdzislaw Meglicki
Tue Feb 28 15:07:51 EST 1995