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Collective communication, broadcast


Once all processes within the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator know the rank of the master process we can attempt a collective communication. This is accomplished in the following three lines of the code:

if (i_am_the_master) strcpy (char_buffer, my_node_name);
MPI_Bcast(char_buffer, BUFSIZ, MPI_CHAR, host_rank,
strcpy (host_name, char_buffer);
The call to function MPI_Bcast is issued by all processes. But in this operation only one process defined by the fourth argument, i.e., the process whose rank is host_rank, sends the information originally contained in char_buffer of that process. All other processes receive that information into their own char_buffer arrays. The length of that buffer is defined by the second argument, and the type of the data to be received is defined by the third argument. The broadcast is restricted to the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator.

Note that it is dangerous to use here something like

strlen(char_buffer) + 1
in place of BUFSIZ, because only on the master process will strlen(char_buffer) return anything meaningful.

Note also that we could not use broadcast until all processes knew the rank of the host process. For this reason we had to communicate that rank using MPI_Send.

Collective communications are described in Chapter 4 of ``MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard''. And MPI_Bcast is described on page 93, section 4.4.

In ``Using MPI...'' broadcast is the first communication operation covered by the first example in Chapter 3, page 23. This can be done under MPICH because the host process has a rank number 0 by default and all other processes know that from the beginning.

Zdzislaw Meglicki
Tue Feb 28 15:07:51 EST 1995