OCINF - The Occam-C Interface Generation Tool (A Tutorial) C. S. Lewis University of KENT, Canterbury. ABSTRACT Ocinf is a tool which simplifies the task calling C functions from occam programs. Ocinf takes care of the low level interfacing for you by defining external occam procedures headers for each interfaced C routine. Some of the goals ocinf will enable occam programs to achieve: (1) Issue Unix shell commands. (2) Call user-written C routines. (3) Call system library routines (Xlib). This tutorial will explain how ocinf can be used to achieve these goals. 6 October, 1995 OCINF - The Occam-C Interface Generation Tool (A Tutorial) C. S. Lewis University of KENT, Canterbury. 1. INTRODUCTION The ocinf tool creates occam interfaces to C routines, the following diagram shows the stages in interface generation. right P1: ellipse "C" " Prototypes " arrow IT: box ht .75 wid 1 " " " OCINF " " " move ; move ; up ; move O1: ellipse "Occam" "PROCS" down ; move ; move ; move O2: ellipse "C" " Routines " arrow from 1/3 to O1.w arrow from 2/3 to O2.w 1.1. Ocinf Input The input to the interface tool is a standard C header file, this header file may contain: (1) Function prototypes. (2) Type declarations. (3) C Pre-processor macros. 1.2. Ocinf Output The Ocinf tool generates two output files: (1) Occam procedure prototypes for the interfaced C rou- tines. (2) C routines which handle occam-C parameter passing. 6 October, 1995 - 2 - 1.3. Using the Interfaces Once the required interfaces have been generated, occam pro- grams can then call the required interfaced C routines by including the generated occam prototypes (interface file 1) and then calling the named routines. Interfaced routines may have parameter data types that require conversion between occam and C formats. Some sup- port routines are provided for this ([]BYTE <-> char[]), other support routines will be released in the near future. 1.4. Compiling and Linking The top level occam program is compiled with kroc to produce an object file, which is then linked with the required gen- erated C files (interface file 2) and possibly linked with the required system libraries (-lxlib). The included examples show this process. 1.5. Conventions Ocinf uses the following conventions for file and routine names. 1.5.1. Generated File Names The file names generated by ocinf from the input C header file 'example1.h' are 'example1_h_if.oif' and 'example1_h_if.c'. 1.5.2. Generated Routine Names The occam interface routines have C. prefixed to the C pro- totype name. And '.' in the original C routine names are replaced by '_' in the occam routine name. For example, the C routine name rtn_1 will appear in the occam interface as C.rtn.1 occam routines which begin with C. are handled specially by the kroc system, users are asked to avoid writing occam pro- cedures beginning with this prefix. 1.6. Type Mappings The ocinf tool maps C parameter types into equivalent occam parameter types, the example below shows this mapping: 6 October, 1995 - 3 - 1.6.1. The C header file typedef struct { int a; char b; } Record; typedef Record *RR; void example_mappings ( int i, int *ip, short int si, short int *sip, long long int li, long long int *lip, float f, float *fp, double d, double *dp, char c, char *cp, char **cpp, Record *rp, RR *rpp ); 1.6.2. The generated occam interface file -- Predefines for C typedef sizes VAL INT C.Record IS 8: VAL INT C.RR IS 4: #PRAGMA EXTERNAL "PROC C.example.mappings (VAL INT i, INT ip, * *VAL INT16 si, INT16 sip, VAL INT64 li, * *INT64 lip, VAL REAL32 f, REAL32 fp, * *VAL REAL64 d, REAL64 dp, VAL []BYTE c, * *[]BYTE cp, INT32 cpp, INT32 rp, INT32 rpp) = 0 " 6 October, 1995 - 4 - 1.7. Interface Creation Ocinf should be applied to the input header file to generate the required interfaces. See the following examples. 2. EXAMPLES We present three examples which show how ocinf is used to create interfaces, and how these interfaces are used by occam programs. 2.1. EXAMPLE 1 This example shows how commands can be issued to the Unix shell from occam. The C routine system() is used to issue shell commands. 2.1.1. Building Example1 The Makefile in this directory contains commands for build- ing example1. Type the command "make example1", this will create the required interface files and compile and link the example1.occ program. When you have created the executable example1, run it. 2.1.2. The Occam program Below is the occam program which calls the C system routine. -- include the Occam interface for {system} #INCLUDE "example1_h_if.oif" #INCLUDE "cconv.oif" -- -- Example1: -- -- Demonstrates calling the UNIX 'system' command from occam, -- by issuing the shell command line "pwd ; ls". -- -- PROC example1 (CHAN OF BYTE stdin, stdout, stderr) -- System command to be executed. VAL []BYTE system.command IS "pwd ; ls": -- Declare space for C string [100]BYTE c.system.command: PROC out.str (VAL []BYTE s) VAL length IS SIZE s: 6 October, 1995 - 5 - SEQ SEQ i = 0 FOR length SEQ stdout ! s [i] : -- -- ============ -- MAIN PROGRAM -- ============ -- SEQ -- Produce Description of Example. -- out.str("*c*n") out.str("*c*n") out.str("OCINF: example1") out.str("*c*n") out.str("Demonstrates calling the Unix SYSTEM command from occam,*c*n") out.str("by issuing the shell command line PWD ; LS.*c*n") out.str("*c*n*c*n") -- Initialise C string from occam string. -- bytes.to.chars(system.command, c.system.command) -- Call UNIX system command -- C.system(c.system.command) : There are two #INCLUDE lines, the first is the occam inter- face to the C routine system(), and the second is the occam interface to conversion routines. Change "pwd ; ls" to "clear ; pwd ; ls" in example1.occ, then remake and run example1. 2.2. EXAMPLE 2 This example shows how user written C routines can be called from occam. 2.2.1. Building Example2 The Makefile in this directory contains commands for 6 October, 1995 - 6 - building example2. Type the command "make example2", this will create the required interface files and compile and link the example2.occ program. When you have created the executable example2, run it. 2.2.2. The Occam program Below is the occam program which calls the user written C routines. -- include the Occam interface for {user written routines} #INCLUDE "example2_h_if.oif" #INCLUDE "cconv.oif" -- -- Example2: -- -- Demonstrates calling user written C routines from occam. -- -- -- PROC example2 (CHAN OF BYTE stdin, stdout, stderr) INT a,b,c: INT level: PROC out.str (VAL []BYTE s) VAL length IS SIZE s: SEQ SEQ i = 0 FOR length SEQ stdout ! s [i] : PROC CHECK.INT (INT actual, VAL INT expected, VAL []BYTE message) SEQ IF (actual = expected) SEQ out.str("OK: ") out.str(message) out.str("*c*n") (TRUE) SEQ out.str("ERROR: ") out.str(message) out.str("*c*n") : -- -- ============ -- MAIN PROGRAM -- ============ 6 October, 1995 - 7 - -- SEQ -- Produce Description of Example. -- out.str("*c*n") out.str("*c*n") out.str("OCINF: example2") out.str("*c*n") out.str("Demonstrates calling user written C routines from occam.*c*n") out.str("*c*n*c*n") -- Initialise variables -- a := 1 b := 2 c := 0 level := -1 -- Call and check called C routines -- C.stack.level(level) CHECK.INT(level,0,"Initial stack level") C.stack.push.int(a) C.stack.push.int(b) C.stack.pop.int(c) CHECK.INT(c,2,"popped value") C.stack.level(level) CHECK.INT(level,1,"Final stack level") : 2.2.3. The original C header file /* Example2: Interface to user written C routines */ /* specification */ void stack_push_int(int); int stack_pop_int(void); int stack_level(void); 2.2.4. The generated occam interfaces #PRAGMA EXTERNAL "PROC C.stack.push.int (VAL INT P1) = 0 " #PRAGMA EXTERNAL "PROC C.stack.pop.int (INT result) = 0 " #PRAGMA EXTERNAL "PROC C.stack.level (INT result) = 0 " 6 October, 1995 - 8 - 2.3. EXAMPLE 3 This example shows how the Xlib library routines can be called from occam. The program below opens a window, then displays some text and draws a dotted rectangle within the opened window. The program then enters an event loop which is terminated by the user pressing a mouse button or key while pointing inside the window. If the window is resized, then the text and rectangle will be redrawn and placed within the new window dimensions. 2.3.1. Building Example3 The interface files are supplied, to build this example just type "make xlib_test" then run. 2.3.2. Notes This occam program is a direct line-by-line translation of a demonstration C program. The original C program used macros and accessed structure element directly, this functionality has been achieved in occam by interfacing to specially writ- ten routines. Structures and Macros In the occam program, macro and structure functionality has been provided by writting C interface routines (xlib- macros_if.oif, and xlibmacros_if.c) these routines are named C.MACRO.etc and C.STRUCTURE.etc. Allocating Structure Space Xlib expects space for some strutures to be allocated by the calling program, in this case the occam program declares enough array space for the required structure. The struc- ture sizes are included in the occam interface file. To get the parameter passing mechanism correct, occam needs to pass the address of some structures as and INT32, this is achieved by declaring an INT32 and setting its value to the the address of the required structure using transputer ASM. 2.3.3. The Occam Program -- -- KROC Occam/C Interface Tool X Windows test program -- $Source: /proj/kroc/develop/examples/ocinf/xlib/RCS/xlib_test.occ,v $ 6 October, 1995 - 9 - -- -- $Id: xlib_test.occ,v 1.2 1995/09/18 13:30:36 djb1 Exp $ -- -- (C) Copyright 1995 C.S.Lewis -- University of Kent at Canterbury -- -- -- include the Occam interface for {Xlib, Xutil, Xos, Xatom, X} : #INCLUDE "xlib_h_if.oif" #INCLUDE "xlibmacros_if.oif" #INCLUDE "cconv.oif" PROC main (CHAN OF BYTE stdin, stdout, stderr) -- Define interface data types DATA TYPE Display IS INT32: DATA TYPE Window IS INT32: DATA TYPE Pixmap IS INT32: DATA TYPE XSizeHints IS INT32: DATA TYPE XIconSize IS INT32: DATA TYPE XEvent IS INT32: DATA TYPE GC IS INT32: DATA TYPE XFontStruct IS INT32: DATA TYPE XWMHints IS INT32: DATA TYPE XClassHint IS INT32: DATA TYPE XTextProperty IS INT32: -- Declare Occam interface variables INT32 display: -- Display INT screen.num: -- int BOOL Alive: INT report.type, report.xexpose.count: INT shmw, shmh: VAL INT BITMAPDEPTH IS 1: VAL INT TOO.SMALL IS 0: VAL INT BIG.ENOUGH IS 1: VAL INT icon.bitmap.width IS 16: VAL INT icon.bitmap.height IS 16: VAL INT border.width IS 4: VAL []BYTE progname IS "XLIB.test": -- char * VAL []BYTE window.name IS "Basic Window Program": -- char * VAL []BYTE icon.name IS "basicwin": -- char * VAL []BYTE argc IS " ": -- char * VAL []BYTE font.name IS "9x15": -- char * INT32 win: -- Window INT width, height, x, y: -- int INT display.width, display.height, depth: -- unsigned int INT icon.width, icon.height: -- unsigned int INT32 icon.pixmap: -- Pixmap 6 October, 1995 - 10 - INT32 size.list: -- XIconSize * INT count: -- int INT32 count32: INT32 gc: -- GC INT32 font.info: -- XFontStruct * INT window.size: -- int INT result: -- int INT temp.i: INT32 temp.i32: BOOL temp.b: INT32 size.hints: -- XSizeHints !!! Local space !!! [C.XSizeHints]INT Filler1: INT32 report: -- XEvent !!! Local space !!! [C.XEvent]INT Filler2: INT32 wm.hints: -- XWMHints !!! Local space !!! [C.XWMHints]INT Filler3: INT32 class.hints: -- XClassHint !!! Local space !!! [C.XClassHint]INT Filler4: INT32 windowName: -- XTextProperty !!! Local space !!! [C.XTextProperty]INT Filler5: INT32 iconName: -- XTextProperty !!! Local space !!! [C.XTextProperty]INT Filler6: -- INT32 pointers to the 'C' Strings. INT32 ptr.TO.c.window.name, ptr.TO.c.progname, ptr.TO.c.window.name: INT32 ptr.TO.c.argv, ptr.TO.c.icon.name, ptr.TO.c.font.name: [32]BYTE icon.bitmap.bits: -- Declare C interface variables [100]BYTE c.progname: -- char * [100]BYTE c.argc: -- char * [100]BYTE c.progname: -- char * [100]BYTE c.window.name: -- char * [100]BYTE c.icon.name: -- char * [100]BYTE c.font.name: -- char * [100]BYTE c.display.name: -- char * INT32 root.window: -- ??? INT32 black.pixel, white.pixel: -- unsigned long int INT c.argv: -- int -- Xlib size hints VAL INT USPosition IS (1 << 0): -- user specified x, y VAL INT USSize IS (1 << 1): -- user specified width, height VAL INT PPosition IS (1 << 2): -- program specified position VAL INT PSize IS (1 << 3): -- program specified size VAL INT PMinSize IS (1 << 4): -- program specified minimum size VAL INT PMaxSize IS (1 << 5): -- program specified maximum size 6 October, 1995 - 11 - VAL INT PResizeInc IS (1 << 6): -- program specified resize increments VAL INT PAspect IS (1 << 7): -- program specified min and max aspect ratios VAL INT PBaseSize IS (1 << 8): -- program specified base for incrementing VAL INT PWinGravity IS (1 << 9): -- program specified window gravity -- Xlib XWMHints flags -- VAL INT InputHint IS (1 << 0): VAL INT StateHint IS (1 << 1): VAL INT IconPixmapHint IS (1 << 2): VAL INT IconWindowHint IS (1 << 3): VAL INT IconPositionHint IS (1 << 4): VAL INT IconMaskHint IS (1 << 5): VAL INT WindowGroupHint IS (1 << 6): VAL INT AllHints IS #7F: VAL INT WithdrawnState IS 0: -- for windows that are not mapped */ VAL INT NormalState IS 1: -- most applications want to start this way */ VAL INT IconicState IS 3: -- application wants to start as an icon */ -- Xlib Event Mask Values -- VAL INT32 NoEventMask IS 0: VAL INT32 KeyPressMask IS (1 << 0): VAL INT32 KeyReleaseMask IS (1 << 1): VAL INT32 ButtonPressMask IS (1 << 2): VAL INT32 ButtonReleaseMask IS (1 << 3): VAL INT32 EnterWindowMask IS (1 << 4): VAL INT32 LeaveWindowMask IS (1 << 5): VAL INT32 PointerMotionMask IS (1 << 6): VAL INT32 PointerMotionHintMask IS (1 << 7): VAL INT32 Button1MotionMask IS (1 << 8): VAL INT32 Button2MotionMask IS (1 << 9): VAL INT32 Button3MotionMask IS (1 << 10): VAL INT32 Button4MotionMask IS (1 << 11): VAL INT32 Button5MotionMask IS (1 << 12): VAL INT32 ButtonMotionMask IS (1 << 13): VAL INT32 KeymapStateMask IS (1 << 14): VAL INT32 ExposureMask IS (1 << 15): VAL INT32 VisibilityChangeMask IS (1 << 16): VAL INT32 StructureNotifyMask IS (1 << 17): VAL INT32 ResizeRedirectMask IS (1 << 18): VAL INT32 SubstructureNotifyMask IS (1 << 19): VAL INT32 SubstructureRedirectMask IS (1 << 20): VAL INT32 FocusChangeMask IS (1 << 21): VAL INT32 PropertyChangeMask IS (1 << 22): VAL INT32 ColormapChangeMask IS (1 << 23): VAL INT32 OwnerGrabButtonMask IS (1 << 24): -- Xlib XEvent Values -- VAL INT KeyPress IS 2: VAL INT KeyRelease IS 3: VAL INT ButtonPress IS 4: VAL INT ButtonRelease IS 5: 6 October, 1995 - 12 - VAL INT MotionNotify IS 6: VAL INT EnterNotify IS 7: VAL INT LeaveNotify IS 8: VAL INT FocusIn IS 9: VAL INT FocusOut IS 10: VAL INT KeymapNotify IS 11: VAL INT Expose IS 12: VAL INT GraphicsExpose IS 13: VAL INT NoExpose IS 14: VAL INT VisibilityNotify IS 15: VAL INT CreateNotify IS 16: VAL INT DestroyNotify IS 17: VAL INT UnmapNotify IS 18: VAL INT MapNotify IS 19: VAL INT MapRequest IS 20: VAL INT ReparentNotify IS 21: VAL INT ConfigureNotify IS 22: VAL INT ConfigureRequest IS 23: VAL INT GravityNotify IS 24: VAL INT ResizeRequest IS 25: VAL INT CirculateNotify IS 26: VAL INT CirculateRequest IS 27: VAL INT PropertyNotify IS 28: VAL INT SelectionClear IS 29: VAL INT SelectionRequest IS 30: VAL INT SelectionNotify IS 31: VAL INT ColormapNotify IS 32: VAL INT ClientMessage IS 33: VAL INT MappingNotify IS 34: #INCLUDE "simpleio.inc" PROC out.str (VAL []BYTE s) VAL length IS SIZE s: SEQ SEQ i = 0 FOR length SEQ stdout ! s [i] : PROC out.num (VAL INT s) SEQ out.number(s, 10, stdout) : PROC TRACE (VAL []BYTE s) SEQ out.str("*c*n") out.str("TRACE: ") out.str(s) out.str("*c*n") : PROC EVENT (VAL []BYTE s) SEQ 6 October, 1995 - 13 - out.str("*c*n") out.str("EVENT: ") out.str(s) out.str("*c*n") : PROC ERROR (VAL []BYTE s) SEQ out.str("ERROR: ") out.str(s) out.str("*c*n") : PROC OK (VAL []BYTE s) SEQ out.str("OK: ") out.str(s) out.str("*c*n") : PROC CHECK.RESULT (INT r, VAL []BYTE s) SEQ IF (r = 0) ERROR(s) (TRUE) OK(s) : PROC CHECK.RESULT32 (INT32 r, VAL []BYTE s) SEQ IF (r = 0) ERROR(s) (TRUE) OK(s) : -- Local Procedures... -- PROC load.font() SEQ -- Load font and info structure TRACE("XLoadQueryFont") C.XLoadQueryFont(font.info, display, c.font.name) CHECK.RESULT32(font.info, "XLoadQueryFont") : PROC getGC () -- Xlib Line type values... -- VAL INT LineSolid IS 0: VAL INT LineOnOffDash IS 1: VAL INT LineDoubleDash IS 2: 6 October, 1995 - 14 - VAL INT CapNotLast IS 0: VAL INT CapButt IS 1: VAL INT CapRound IS 2: VAL INT CapProjecting IS 3: VAL INT JoinMiter IS 0: VAL INT JoinRound IS 1: VAL INT JoinBevel IS 2: -- Local variables -- INT32 values: -- XGCValues !!! Local space !!! [C.XGCValues]INT GCFiller1: VAL INT32 valuemask IS 0: -- unsigned long VAL INT line.width IS 6: -- unsigned int VAL INT line.style IS LineOnOffDash: -- int VAL INT cap.style IS CapRound: -- int VAL INT join.style IS JoinRound: -- int VAL INT dash.offset IS 0: -- int VAL INT list.length IS 2: -- int [2]BYTE dash.list: -- static char [] [10]BYTE c.dash.list: SEQ dash.list := [#0C,#18] bytes.to.chars(dash.list, c.dash.list) -- Initialise pointers for occam allocated 'C' Xlib structure space... -- ASM LD ADDRESSOF GCFiller1 -- XGCValues ST values -- Create default graphics Context TRACE("XCreateGC") C.XCreateGC(gc, display, win, valuemask, values) CHECK.RESULT32(gc , "XCreateGC") -- Specifiy Font C.STRUCTURE.XFontStruct.GET.fid(font.info, temp.i32) TRACE("XSetFont") C.XSetFont(result, display, gc, temp.i32) CHECK.RESULT(result , "XSetFont") -- Specifiy foreground TRACE("XSetForeground") C.XSetForeground(result, display, gc, black.pixel) CHECK.RESULT(result , "XSetForeground") -- Set Line Attributes TRACE("XSetLineAttributes") C.XSetLineAttributes(result, display, gc, line.width, line.style, cap.style, join.style) CHECK.RESULT(result , "XSetLineAttributes") -- Set Dashes-- 6 October, 1995 - 15 - TRACE("XSetDashes") C.XSetDashes(result, display, gc, dash.offset, c.dash.list, 2) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XSetDashes") : PROC place.text() [100]BYTE c.string1, c.string2, c.string3, c.string4: INT len1, len2, len3, len4: INT width1, width2, width3: VAL []BYTE string1 IS "This is a Window": VAL []BYTE string2 IS "To Terminate Program, Press any key": VAL []BYTE string3 IS "or Button while inside window.": VAL []BYTE string4 IS "Screen Dimensions:": INT font.height, initial.y.offset, x.offset: INT ascent, descent: SEQ bytes.to.chars(string1, c.string1) bytes.to.chars(string2, c.string2) bytes.to.chars(string3, c.string3) bytes.to.chars(string4, c.string4) -- Length for XTextWidth and XdDrawString len1 := SIZE string1 len2 := SIZE string2 len3 := SIZE string3 -- Lengths for centreing C.XTextWidth(width1, font.info, c.string1, len1) C.XTextWidth(width2, font.info, c.string2, len2) C.XTextWidth(width3, font.info, c.string3, len3) C.STRUCTURE.XFontStruct.GET.ascent (font.info, ascent) C.STRUCTURE.XFontStruct.GET.descent (font.info, descent) font.height := ascent + descent -- Output Text (centred) C.XDrawString(result, display, win, gc, (width - width1)/2, font.height, c.string1, len1) C.XDrawString(result, display, win, gc, (width - width2)/2, INT (height - (2*font.height)), c.string2, len2) C.XDrawString(result, display, win, gc, (width - width3)/2, INT (height - font.height), c.string3, len3) : PROC place.graphics() INT l.x, l.y, l.width, l.height: SEQ l.height := height/2 6 October, 1995 - 16 - l.width := (3*width)/4 l.x := (width/2) - (l.width/2) l.y := (height/2) - (l.height/2) C.XDrawRectangle(result, display, win, gc, l.x, l.y, l.width, l.height) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XDrawRectangle") : PROC TooSmall() VAL []BYTE string1 IS "Too Small": INT y.offset, x.offset, ascent: [100]BYTE c.string1: SEQ C.STRUCTURE.XFontStruct.GET.ascent (font.info, ascent) y.offset := ascent + 2 x.offset := 2 bytes.to.chars(string1, c.string1) C.XDrawString(result, display, win, gc, x.offset, y.offset, c.string1, SIZE string1) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XDrawString") : -- -- ============ -- MAIN PROGRAM -- ============ -- SEQ window.size := 0 -- Initialise pointers for occam allocated 'C' Xlib structure space... -- ASM LD ADDRESSOF Filler1 ST size.hints LD ADDRESSOF Filler2 ST report LD ADDRESSOF Filler3 ST wm.hints LD ADDRESSOF Filler4 ST class.hints LD ADDRESSOF Filler5 ST windowName LD ADDRESSOF Filler6 ST iconName -- Initialise C strings from occam strings. -- bytes.to.chars(progname, c.progname) bytes.to.chars(window.name, c.window.name) bytes.to.chars(icon.name, c.icon.name) bytes.to.chars(argc, c.argc) 6 October, 1995 - 17 - bytes.to.chars(font.name, c.font.name) c.argv := 0 C.GETENV.DISPLAY(c.display.name) -- Initialise INT32 (pointers) to 'C' strings -- ASM LD ADDRESSOF c.window.name ST ptr.TO.c.window.name LD ADDRESSOF c.progname ST ptr.TO.c.progname LD ADDRESSOF c.window.name ST ptr.TO.c.window.name LD ADDRESSOF c.icon.name ST ptr.TO.c.icon.name LD ADDRESSOF c.argv ST ptr.TO.c.argv LD ADDRESSOF c.font.name ST ptr.TO.c.font.name icon.bitmap.bits := [#FF, #FF, #AB, #AA, #55, #D5, #AB, #AA, #05, #D0, #0B, #A0, #05, #D0, #0B, #A0, #05, #D0, #0B, #A0, #05, #D0, #0B, #A0, #55, #D5, #AB, #AA, #55, #D5, #FF, #FF] -- Connect to Server -- TRACE("Connecting") C.XOpenDisplay(display, c.display.name) CHECK.RESULT32(display, "XOpenDisplay") TRACE("Synchronizing") C.XSynchronize(result, display, 1) -- Get Screen Size TRACE("Screen Info") C.MACRO.DefaultScreen(screen.num, display) CHECK.RESULT(screen.num, "DefaultScreen") C.MACRO.DisplayWidth(display.width, display, screen.num) C.MACRO.DisplayHeight(display.height, display, screen.num) C.MACRO.RootWindow(root.window, display, screen.num) C.MACRO.BlackPixel(black.pixel, display, screen.num) C.MACRO.WhitePixel(white.pixel, display, screen.num) OK("Screen Info") -- Size Window x := 0 y := 0 width := display.width / 3 height := display.height / 4 -- Create Opaque Window TRACE("XCreateSimpleWindow") C.XCreateSimpleWindow(win, display, root.window, x, y, width, height, border.width, black.pixel, white.pixel) OK("XCreateSimpleWindow") 6 October, 1995 - 18 - -- Get Icon sizes available-- TRACE("XGetIconSizes") C.XGetIconSizes(result, display, root.window, size.list, count) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XGetIconSizes") -- Create bit map for Icon TRACE("Create bitmap Icon") C.XCreateBitmapFromData(icon.pixmap, display, win, icon.bitmap.bits, icon.bitmap.width, icon.bitmap.height) OK("Create bitmap Icon") -- Set hints temp.i := PPosition + (PSize + PMinSize) C.STRUCTURE.XSizeHints.SET.flags (size.hints, temp.i) temp.i := 300 C.STRUCTURE.XSizeHints.SET.min.width (size.hints, temp.i) temp.i := 200 C.STRUCTURE.XSizeHints.SET.min.height (size.hints, temp.i) -- Set Properties TRACE("Setting Properties") TRACE("StringToList") C.XStringListToTextProperty(result, ptr.TO.c.window.name, 1, windowName) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XStringListToTextProperty - window") C.XStringListToTextProperty(result, ptr.TO.c.icon.name, 1, iconName) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XStringListToTextProperty - icon") temp.i := NormalState C.STRUCTURE.XWMHints.SET.initial.state (wm.hints, temp.i) temp.i := 1 C.STRUCTURE.XWMHints.SET.input (wm.hints, temp.i) C.STRUCTURE.XWMHints.SET.icon.pixmap (wm.hints, icon.pixmap) temp.i := StateHint + (IconPixmapHint + InputHint) C.STRUCTURE.XWMHints.SET.flags (wm.hints, temp.i) C.STRUCTURE.XClassHint.SET.res.name (class.hints, c.progname) C.STRUCTURE.XClassHint.SET.res.class (class.hints, c.icon.name) TRACE("Set Properties") C.XSetWMProperties(display, win, windowName, iconName, ptr.TO.c.argv, 0, size.hints, wm.hints, class.hints) -- Select require event types-- TRACE("Select Events") C.XSelectInput(result, display, win, (ExposureMask + (KeyPressMask + (ButtonPressMask + StructureNotifyMask))) ) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XSelectInput") -- Init Font-- TRACE("Load Font") load.font() -- Create GC for Text and Drawing-- TRACE("Create GC") getGC() 6 October, 1995 - 19 - -- Display Window-- TRACE("Display Window") C.XMapWindow(result, display, win) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XMapWindow") -- -- Event handler -- TRACE("Event Loop") Alive := TRUE WHILE (Alive) SEQ C.XNextEvent(result, display, report) CHECK.RESULT(result, "XNextEvent") C.STRUCTURE.XEvent.GET.type(report, report.type) IF (report.type = Expose) SEQ EVENT("Expose") C.STRUCTURE.XEvent.GET.xexpose.count(report, report.xexpose.count) IF (report.xexpose.count = 0) SEQ IF (window.size = TOO.SMALL) TooSmall() (TRUE) SEQ place.text() place.graphics() (TRUE) SKIP (report.type = ConfigureNotify) SEQ EVENT("ConfigureNotify") C.STRUCTURE.XEvent.GET.xconfigure.width(report, width) C.STRUCTURE.XEvent.GET.xconfigure.height(report, height) C.STRUCTURE.XSizeHints.GET.min.width(size.hints, shmw) C.STRUCTURE.XSizeHints.GET.min.height(size.hints, shmh) out.str("*c*n width ") out.num(width) out.str("*c*n height ") out.num(height) out.str("*c*n min width ") out.num(shmw) out.str("*c*n min height ") out.num(shmh) out.str("*c*n") IF ((width < shmw) OR (height < shmh)) window.size := TOO.SMALL (TRUE) window.size := BIG.ENOUGH 6 October, 1995 - 20 - ((report.type = ButtonPress) OR (report.type = KeyPress)) SEQ EVENT("ButtonPress/KeyPress") C.STRUCTURE.XFontStruct.GET.fid(font.info, temp.i32) C.XUnloadFont(result, display, temp.i32) C.XFreeGC(result, display, gc) C.XCloseDisplay(result, display) Alive := FALSE (TRUE) SEQ Alive := TRUE out.str("Xlib Event: ") out.num(report.type) out.str("*c*n") ERROR("Event Loop: Unknown Event, Ignoring") : 6 October, 1995