1 The occam compiler libraries

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Tony Debling, SGS-Thomson Microelectronics Ltd, 1000 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS12 4SQ, England. June 7, 1995.
Converted to HTML via RTFtoHTML, PERL5 and by hand by Dave Beckett <D.J.Beckett@ukc.ac.uk>.
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Dave Beckett <D.J.Beckett@ukc.ac.uk>

1.1 Introduction

A comprehensive set of occam libraries is provided for use with the toolset. They include the compiler libraries which the compiler itself uses, and a number of user libraries to support common programming tasks. The compiler libraries are automatically referenced whereas user libraries must be declared in a #USE directive. Libraries, including the compiler libraries, must be specified to the linker. Table 1.1 lists the occam libraries.
Library            Description                                      Source
Compiler libraries                                                  No
occamx.lib         Multiple length integer arithmetic
                   Floating point functions
                   32-bit IEEE arithmetic functions
                   64-bit IEEE arithmetic functions
                   2D block move library
                   Bit manipulation
                   CRC functions
                   Supplementary floating point support
                   Dynamic code loading support
                   Transputer-related functions
User libraries
snglmath.lib       Single length mathematical functions             Yes
dblmath.lib        Double length mathematical functions             Yes
tbmaths.lib        T400/T414/T425/T426 optimized maths              Yes
hostio.lib         Host file server library                         Yes
streamio.lib       Stream I/O library                               Yes
string.lib         String handling library                          Yes
convert.lib        String conversion library                        Yes
crc.lib            Block CRC library                                Yes
xlink.lib          Extraordinary link handling library              No
debug.lib          Debugging support library                        No
msdos.lib          DOS specific hostio library                      Yes

Table 1.1 - occam libraries

1.2 Using the occam libraries

User libraries must be declared in a #USE directive. For example:
#USE "hostio.lib"
Any use of a library routine must be in scope with the #USE directive which references the associated library. The scope of a library, like any occam declaration, depends on its level of indentation within the text.

If the library uses a file of predefined constants (see section 1.2.3) then this must be declared by an #INCLUDE directive, before the associated #USE. For example:

#INCLUDE "hostio.inc"

1.2.1 Linking libraries

All libraries used by a program or program module must be linked with the main program. This includes the compiler libraries even though they are automatically referenced by the compiler (see section 1.3).

1.2.2 Listing library contents

You can use the ilist tool to examine the contents of a library and determine which routines are available. The tool displays procedural interfaces for routines in each library module and the code size and workspace requirements for individual modules. It can also be used to determine the transputer types and error modes for which the code was compiled. (See chapter 25 of the occam 2 Toolset Reference Manual for details of ilist).

1.2.3 Library constants

Constants and protocols used by the libraries are defined in six include files:
File                   Description
hostio.inc             Constants for the host file server interface (hostio
streamio.inc           Constants for the stream i/o interface (streamio
mathvals.inc           Maths constants
linkaddr.inc           Addresses of transputer links
ticks.inc              Rates of the two transputer clocks
msdos.inc              DOS specific constants

Table 1.2 - LIbrary constants

Include files should always be declared before the related library.

1.3 Compiler libraries

Compiler libraries contain multiple length and floating point arithmetic functions, IEEE functions, and special transputer functions such as bit manipulation and 2D block data moves. They are found automatically by the compiler on the path specified by the ISEARCH host environment variable and do not need to be referenced by a #USE directive. However, they must be specified to the linker along with all other libraries that the program uses; this is best done using one of the linker indirect files occam2.lnk, occam8.lnk, or occama.lnk, which specify the correct libraries for the transputer target.

Separate compiler libraries are supplied for different types and families of processors. Processor types supported are:

The compiler selects the correct library for the transputer type specified. All error modes are supported in each library.
File                 Processor types supported
occam2.lib           T212/T222/T225/M212
occam8.lib           T800/T801/T805
occama.lib           T400/T414/T425/T426/TA/TB
occamutl.lib         All
virtual.lib          All

occamutl.lib contains routines which are called from within some of the other compiler libraries and virtual.lib is used to support interactive debugging. These two libraries support all processor types and error modes.

File names of the compiler libraries must not be changed. The compiler assumes these filenames, and generates an error if they are not found. (See section A.4 in the occam 2 Toolset Reference Manual for details of the mechanism for locating files.)

The compiler `E' option disables all of the compiler libraries except virtual.lib, which can be disabled by the `Y' option.

The occam 2 Reference Manual contains formal descriptions of many of the compiler library routines.

1.3.1 Using compiler library routines

Although primarily intended for use by the compiler, some compiler library routines are available to the programmer. These are listed in sections 1.3.2 through 1.3.9. They can be called directly without referencing them via a #USE statement and are disabled by the compiler `E' option.

As an example of how they may be used, consider an application which requires compliance with the IEEE standards for NaNs (`Not a Number') and Infs (`+/- infinity'). The occam compiler defaults to non-IEEE behavior i.e. NaNs and Infs are treated as errors, whereas ANSI/IEEE 754-1985 requires there to be error and overflow handling. To obtain IEEE behavior the appropriate compiler library function must be called.

The following code fragments show a simple addition can be implemented by default or using IEEE-compatible functions.

If A, B, and C are REAL32s and b is a BOOL:

A := B + C  -- default occam behavior.

A := REAL32OP(B, 0, C)		-- IEEE function, round
				-- to nearest only. The 0
				-- indicates a `+' 
				-- operation.

b, A := IEEE32OP(B, 1, 0, C)	-- IEEE function with
				-- rounding option. The
				-- 1 indicates round to
				-- nearest. The 0
				-- indicates a `+'
				-- operation.

1.3.2 Maths functions

The following table lists compiler library maths functions available to the programmer. Further details can be found in appendices K, L, and M of the occam 2 Reference Manual.
Result(s)            Function name           Parameter specifiers
REAL32               ABS                     VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               SQRT                    VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               LOGB                    VAL REAL32 x
INT, REAL32          FLOATING.UNPACK         VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               MINUSX                  VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               MULBY2                  VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               DIVBY2                  VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               FPINT                   VAL REAL32 x
BOOL                 ISNAN                   VAL REAL32 x
BOOL                 NOTFINITE               VAL REAL32 x
REAL32               SCALEB                  VAL REAL32 x, VAL INT n
REAL32               COPYSIGN                VAL REAL32 x, y
REAL32               NEXTAFTER               VAL REAL32 x, y
BOOL                 ORDERED                 VAL REAL32 x, y
BOOL,                ARGUMENT.REDUCE         VAL REAL32 x, y, y.err
REAL32               REAL32OP                VAL REAL32 x,
                                             VAL INT op,
                                             VAL REAL32 y
REAL32               REAL32REM               VAL REAL32 x, y
BOOL,REAL32          IEEE32OP                VAL REAL32 x,
                                             VAL INT rm, op,
                                             VAL REAL32 y
BOOL,REAL32          IEEE32REM               VAL REAL32 x, y
BOOL                 REAL32EQ                VAL REAL32 x, y
BOOL                 REAL32GT                VAL REAL32 x, y
INT                  IEEECOMPARE             VAL REAL32 x, y
REAL64               DABS                    VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DSQRT                   VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DLOGB                   VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DMINUSX                 VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DMULBY2                 VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DDIVBY2                 VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DFPINT                  VAL REAL64 x
BOOL                 DISNAN                  VAL REAL64 x
BOOL                 DNOTFINITE              VAL REAL64 x
REAL64               DSCALEB                 VAL REAL64 x, VAL INT n
REAL64               DCOPYSIGN               VAL REAL64 x, y
REAL64               DNEXTAFTER              VAL REAL64 x, y
BOOL                 DORDERED                VAL REAL64 x, y
BOOL,                DARGUMENT.REDUCE        VAL REAL64 x, y, y.err
REAL64               REAL64OP                VAL REAL64 x,
                                             VAL INT op,
                                             VAL REAL64 y
REAL64               REAL64REM               VAL REAL64 x, y
BOOL, REAL64         IEEE64OP                VAL REAL64 x,
                                             VAL INT rm, op,
                                             VAL REAL64 y
BOOL, REAL64         IEEE64REM               VAL REAL64 x, y
BOOL                 REAL64EQ                VAL REAL64 x, y
BOOL                 REAL64GT                VAL REAL64 x, y
INT                  DIEEECOMPARE            VAL REAL64 x, y
INT                  LONGADD                 VAL INT left, right,
INT                  LONGSUM                 VAL INT left, right,
INT                  LONGSUB                 VAL INT left, right,
INT, INT             LONGDIFF                VAL INT left, right,
INT, INT             LONGPROD                VAL INT left, right,
INT, INT             LONGDIV                 VAL INT
                                             dividend.lo, divisor
INT, INT             SHIFTLEFT               VAL INT hi.in, lo.in,
INT, INT             SHIFTRIGHT              VAL INT hi.in, lo.in,
INT, INT, INT        NORMALISE               VAL INT hi.in, lo.in
INT                  ASHIFTLEFT              VAL INT argument, places
INT                  ASHIFTRIGHT             VAL INT argument, places
INT                  ROTATELEFT              VAL INT argument, places
INT                  ROTATERIGHT             VAL INT argument, places


SHIFTRIGHT and SHIFTLEFT return zeroes when the number of places to shift is negative, or is greater than twice the transputer's word length. In this case they may take a long time to execute.

ASHIFTRIGHT, ASHIFTLEFT, ROTATERIGHT and ROTATELEFT are all invalid when the number of places to shift is negative or exceeds the transputer's word length.

1.3.3 2D block moves

This section describes compiler library block move routines available to the programmer.
Procedure         Parameter Specifiers
MOVE2D            VAL [][]BYTE Source,
                  VAL INT sx, sy, [][]BYTE Dest,
                  VAL INT dx, dy, width, length
DRAW2D            VAL [][]BYTE Source,
                  VAL INT sx, sy, [][]BYTE Dest,
                  VAL INT dx, dy, width, length
CLIP2D            VAL [][]BYTE Source,
                  VAL INT sx, sy, [][]BYTE Dest,
                  VAL INT dx, dy, width, length

             VAL INT sx, sy, [][]BYTE Dest,
             VAL INT dx, dy, width, length)
Moves a data block of size width by length starting at byte Source[sy][sx] to the block starting at Dest[dy][dx]. This is equivalent to:

SEQ y = 0 FOR length
[Dest[y+dy] FROM dx FOR width] :=
[Source[y+sy] FROM sx FOR width]

             VAL INT sx, sy, [][]BYTE Dest,
             VAL INT dx, dy, width, length)
As MOVE2D but only non-zero bytes are transferred. This is equivalent to:

SEQ line = 0 FOR length
SEQ point = 0 FOR width
VAL temp IS Source[line+sy][point+sx] :
temp <> (0(BYTE))
Dest[line+dy][point+dx] := temp

             VAL INT sx, sy, [][]BYTE Dest,
             VAL INT dx, dy, width, length)
As MOVE2D but only zero bytes are transferred. This is equivalent to:
SEQ line = 0 FOR length
SEQ point = 0 FOR width
VAL temp IS Source[line+sy][point+sx] :
temp = (0(BYTE))
Dest[line+dy][point+dx] := 0(BYTE)

1.3.4 Bit manipulation functions

This section describes compiler library bit-based routines available to the programmer.
Result          Function name             Parameter Specifiers
INT             BITCOUNT                  VAL INT Word, CountIn
INT             BITREVNBITS               VAL INT x, n
INT             BITREVWORD                VAL INT x

Counts the number of bits set to 1 in Word, adds it to CountIn, and returns the total.
Returns an INT containing the n least significant bits of x in reverse order. The upper bits are set to zero. The operation is invalid if n is negative or greater than the number of bits in a word.
Returns an INT containing the bit reversal of x.

1.3.5 CRC functions

This section describes compiler library CRC functions available to the programmer.
Result          Function name             Parameter Specifiers
INT             CRCWORD                   VAL INT data, CRCIn,
INT             CRCBYTE                   VAL INT data, CRCIn,
A cyclic redundancy check value is the remainder from modulo 2 polynomial division. Consider bit sequences as representing the coefficients of polynomials; for example, the bit sequence 10100100 (where the leading bit is the most significant bit) corresponds to P(x) = x^(7) + x^(5) + x^(2). CRCWORD and CRCBYTE calculate the remainder of the modulo 2 polynomial division:
(x^(n) H(x) +F(x))/G(x)

F(x) corresponds to data (the whole word for CRCWORD; only the most significant byte for CRCBYTE)
G(x) corresponds to generator H(x) corresponds to CRCIn n is the word size in bits of the processor used (i.e. n is 16 or 32). (CRCIn can be viewed as the value that would be pre-loaded into the cyclic shift register that is part of hardware implementations of CRC generators.)
When representing G(x) in the word generator, note that there is an understood bit before the msb of generator. For example, on a 16-bit processor, with G(x) = x^(16) + x^(12) + x^(5) + 1, which is #11021, then generator must be assigned #1021, because the bit corresponding to x^(16) is understood. Thus, a value of #9603 for generator, corresponds to G(x) = x^(16) + x^(15) + x^(12) +x^(10) + x^(9) + x + 1, for a 16-bit processor.

A similar situation holds on a 32-bit processor, so that:

G(x) = x^(32) + x^(26) + x^(23) +x^(22) + x^(16) + x^(12) + x^(11) + x^(10) + x^(8) + x^(7) + x^(5) +x^(4) + x^(2) + x + 1

is encoded in generator as #04C11DB7.

It is possible to calculate a 16-bit CRC on a 32-bit processor. For example if G(x) = x^(16) + x^(12) + x^(5) + 1, then generator is #10210000, because the most significant 16 bits of the 32-bit integer form a 16-bit generator and for:

CRCWORD, the least significant 16 bits of CRCIn form the initial CRC value; the most significant 16 bits of data form the data; and the calculated CRC is the most significant 16 bits of the result. CRCBYTE, the most significant 16 bits of CRCIn form the initial CRC value; the next 8 bits of CRCIn (the third most significant byte) form the byte of data; and the calculated CRC is the most significant 16 bits of the result.
Takes the whole of the word data to correspond to F(x) in the above formula. This implements the following algorithm:

INT MyData, CRCOut, OldCRC :
MyData, CRCOut := data, CRCIn
SEQ i = 0 FOR BitsPerWord -- 16 or 32
OldCRC := CRCOut
CRCOut, MyData := SHIFTLEFT (CRCOut, MyData, 1)
OldCRC < 0 -- MSB of CRC = 1
CRCOut := CRCOut >< generator
Takes the most significant byte of data to correspond to F(x) in the above formula. This implements the following algorithm:

INT MyData, CRCOut, OldCRC :
MyData, CRCOut := data, CRCIn
SEQ i = 0 FOR 8
OldCRC := CRCOut
CRCOut, MyData := SHIFTLEFT (CRCOut, MyData, 1)
OldCRC < 0 -- MSB of CRC = 1
CRCOut := CRCOut >< generator
Note: The predefines CRCBYTE and CRCWORD can be chained together to help calculate a CRC from a string considered as one long polynomial. A simple chaining would calculate:
(x-^(k) H(x) + ^( )F(x))/G(x)
where F(x) corresponds to the string and k is the number of bits in the string. This is not the same CRC that is calculated by CRCFROMMSB and CRCFROMLSB in crc.lib, section 1.9, because these latter routines shift the numerator by x^(n).

1.3.6 Floating point arithmetic support functions

Result(s)       Function name        Parameter Specifiers
INT             FRACMUL              VAL INT x, y
INT, INT, INT   UNPACKSN             VAL INT x
INT             ROUNDSN              VAL INT Yexp, Yfrac, Yguard

Performs a fixed point multiplication of x and y, treating each as a binary fraction in the range [-1, 1), and returning their product rounded to the nearest available representation. The value of the fractions represented by the arguments and result can be obtained by multiplying their INT value by 2^(-31) (on a 32-bit processor) or 2^(-15) (on a 16-bit processor). The result can overflow if both x and y are -1.0. This routine is compiled inline into a sequence of transputer instructions on 32-bit processors, or as a call to a standard library routine for 16-bit processors.
This returns three parameters; from left to right they are Xfrac, Xexp, and Type. x is regarded as an IEEE single length real number (i.e. a RETYPED REAL32). The function unpacks x into Xexp, the (biased) exponent, and Xfrac the fractional part, with implicit bit restored. It also returns an integer defining the Type of x, ignoring the sign bit:
Type    Reason
0       X is zero
1       X is a normalized or denormalized number
2       X is Inf
3       X is NaN

UNPACKSN (#40490FDB) returns #C90FDB00 ,#00000080, 1
UNPACKSN (#00000001)
returns #00000100 ,#00000001, 1
UNPACKSN (#7FC00001)
returns #40000100 ,#000000FF, 3
This routine is compiled inline into a sequence of transputer instructions on 32-bit processors such as the IMS T425, which do not have a floating support unit, but do have special instructions for floating point operations. For other 32-bit processors the function is compiled as a call to a standard library routine. It is invalid on 16-bit processors, since Xfrac cannot fit into an INT.
This takes a possibly unnormalized fraction, guard word and exponent, and returns the IEEE single length floating point value it represents. It takes care of all the normalization, post-normalization, rounding and packing of the result. The rounding mode used is round to nearest. The exponent should already be biased. This routine is not intended for use with Yexp and Yfrac representing an infinity or a NaN. Examples:
ROUNDSN (#00000080, #C90FDB00, #00000000) returns #40490FDB
(#00000080, #C90FDB80, #00000000) returns #40490FDC
(#00000080, #C90FDA80, #00000000) returns #40490FDA
(#00000080, #C90FDA80, #00003000) returns #40490FDB
(#00000001, #00000100, #00000000) returns #00000001
The function normalizes and post-normalizes the number represented by Yexp, Yfrac and Yguard into local variables Xexp, Xfrac, and Xguard. It then packs the (biased) exponent Xexp and fraction Xfrac into the result, rounding using the extra bits in Xguard. The sign bit is set to 0. If overflow occurs, Inf is returned. This routine is compiled inline into a sequence of transputer instructions on 32-bit processors such as the IMS T425, which do not have a floating support unit, but do have special instructions for floating point operations. For other 32-bit processors the function is compiled as a call to a standard library routine. It is invalid on 16-bit processors, since Xfrac cannot fit into an INT.

1.3.7 Dynamic code loading support

This section describes compiler library dynamic loading routines available to the programmer.


Procedure                              Parameter Specifiers
KERNEL.RUN                             VAL []BYTE code,
                                       VAL INT entry.offset,
                                       []INT workspace,
                                       VAL INT no.of.parameters
LOAD.INPUT.CHANNEL                     INT here, CHAN OF ANY in
LOAD.OUTPUT.CHANNEL                    INT here, CHAN OF ANY out
LOAD.BYTE.VECTOR                       INT here, VAL []BYTE bytes


Result(s)       Function name        Parameter Specifiers
INT             WSSIZEOF             routinename
INT             VSSIZEOF             routinename

                 VAL INT entry.offset,
                 []INT workspace,
                 VAL INT no.of.parameters)
The effect of this procedure is to call the procedure loaded in the code buffer, starting execution at the location code[entry.offset]. The code to be called must begin at a word-aligned address. To ensure proper alignment either start the array at zero or realign the code on a word boundary before passing it into the procedure. The workspace buffer is used to hold the local data of the called procedure. The required size of this buffer, and the code buffer, must be derived by visually inspecting the executable code file (.rsc file) to be loaded using the binary lister tool ilist. Alternatively, a routine can be written to read this file and pass the information to KERNEL.RUN. The format of the .rsc file is described in section 18.4 of the Tools Reference Manual. The parameters passed to the called procedure should be placed at the top of the workspace buffer by the calling procedure before the call of KERNEL.RUN. The call to KERNEL.RUN returns when the called procedure terminates. If the called procedure requires a separate vector space, then another buffer of the required size must be declared, and its address placed as the last parameter at the top of workspace. As calls of KERNEL.RUN are handled specially by the compiler it is necessary for no.of.parameters to be a constant known at compile time and to have a value . 3. The workspace passed to KERNEL.RUN must be at least:
[ws.requirement + (no.of.parameters + 2)]INT
where ws.requirement is the size of workspace required, determined when the called procedure was compiled and stored in the code file, and no.of.parameters includes the vector space pointer if it is required. The parameters must be loaded before the call of KERNEL.RUN. The parameter corresponding to the first formal parameter of the procedure should be in the word adjacent to the saved Iptr word, and the vector space pointer or the last parameter should be adjacent to the top of workspace where the Wptr word will be saved.
The variable here is assigned the address of the input channel in. The normal protocol checking of channel parameters is suppressed; therefore channels of any protocol may be passed to this routine. The channel parameter is considered by the compiler to have been used for input.

                           []CHAN OF ANY in)
The variable here is assigned the address of the base element of the channel array in (i.e. the base of the array of pointers). The normal protocol checking of channel parameters is suppressed; therefore channels of any protocol may be passed to this routine. The channel parameter is considered by the compiler to have been used for input.
The variable here is assigned the address of the output channel out. The normal protocol checking of channel parameters is suppressed; therefore channels of any protocol may be passed to this routine. The channel parameter is considered by the compiler to have been used for input.

                            []CHAN OF ANY out)
The variable here is assigned the address of the base element of the channel array out (i.e. the base of the array of pointers). The normal protocol checking of channel parameters is suppressed; therefore channels of any protocol may be passed to this routine. The channel parameter is considered by the compiler to have been used for input.
The variable here is assigned the address of the byte array bytes. This can be used in conjunction with RETYPES to find the address of any variable.
This function returns the number of workspace `slots' (words) required by the procedure or function routinename. INLINE or predefined routines are not permitted.
This function returns the number of vectorspace `slots' (words) required by the procedure or function routinename. INLINE or predefined routines are not permitted.

1.3.8 Transputer-related procedures

This section describes compiler library transputer-specific routines available to the programmer.
Procedure               Parameter Specifiers
CAUSEERROR              ()
RESCHEDULE              ()
Inserts instructions into the program to set the transputer error flag. If the program is in STOP or UNIVERSAL mode instructions to stop the current process are also inserted. The error is then treated in exactly the same way as any other error would be treated in the error mode in which the program is compiled. For example, in HALT mode the whole processor will halt and in STOP mode that process will stop, leaving the transputer error flag set TRUE. If run-time error checking has been suppressed (e.g. by a command line option), this stop is suppressed. The difference between CAUSEERROR() and the STOP process, is that CAUSEERROR guarantees to set the transputer's error flag.
This causes the current process to be rescheduled by inserting instructions into the program to cause the current process to be moved to the end of the current priority scheduling queue. This occurs even if the current process is a `high priority' process. RESCHEDULE effectively forces a `timeslice', even in high priority.

1.3.9 Miscellaneous operations

This section describes miscellaneous compiler library routines available to the programmer.
Procedure               Parameter Specifiers
ASSERT                  VAL BOOL test

At compile time the compiler will check the value of test and if it is FALSE the compiler will give a compile time error; if it is TRUE, the compiler does nothing. If test cannot be checked at compile-time then the compiler will insert a run-time check to detect its status. This run-time check may be disabled by means of a command line option. ASSERT is a useful routine for debugging purposes. Once a program is working correctly the compiler option `NA' can be used to prevent code being generated to check for ASSERTs at run-time. If possible ASSERTs will still be checked at compile time.