High Performance Math Software
- Abstract
- PARPRE is a package of parallel preconditioners for
general sparse matrices. It includes classical point/block
relaxation methods, generalised block SSOR preconditioners
(this includes ILU), and domain decomposition methods
(additive and multiplicative Schwarz, Schur complement).
- DateOfInformation
- Thr Jan 28 10:59:23 1999
- Domain
- Numerical Programs and Routines!Linear algebra
- Name
- TargetEnvironment
- Implementation language and language interface C; Fortran
interface planned, but not provided at the moment.
Disc space required approximately 10M. Communication
protocol MPI; all testing has been done with the MPICH
implementation. Other libraries: ParPre includes routines
from the Petsc library. You do not need to have Petsc
installed, but if you do, make sure it's the latest
release: 2.0beta13, released April 18, 1996.
- TitleLine
- parallel preconditioners for large sparse iterative solvers
- Version
- 2.0.17
- Webpage
- http://www.cs.utk.edu/~eijkhout/parpre.html
- ContactIs
- Victor Eijkhout
Tony Chan
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