High Performance Math Software
- Abstract
- For internal CERFACS purpose, we have developed an implementation of the GMRES algorithm for real and complex, single and double precision arithmetics suitable for serial, shared memory and distributed memory computers. For the sake of simplicity, flexibility and efficiency, the GMRES solvers have been implemented using the reverse communication mechanism for the matrix-vector product, the preconditioning and the dot product computations. The code is written in Fortran 77. For distributed memory computation several orthogonalisation procedures have been implemented to reduce the cost of the dot product calculation, that is a well-known bottleneck of efficiency for the Krylov methods. Finally the implemented stopping criterion is based on a normwise backward error.
- DateOfInformation
- Thr Apr 2 15:03:03 1998
- Domain
- Numerical Programs and Routines!Linear algebra
- Name
- TitleLine
- for real and complex, single and double precision arithmetics suitable for serial, shared memory and distributed memory computers
- Webpage
- http://www.cerfacs.fr/algor/Softs/
- ContactIs
- Luc Giraud
Serge Gratton
Valerie Fraysse
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