High Performance Math Software
- Abstract
- Chaco contains a variety of partitioning algorithms
including spectral bisection, quadrisection and octasection,
the inertial method, the Kernighan-Lin/Fiduccia-Mattheyses
algorithm and multilevel partitioners. Advanced techniques
that are new to version 2.0 include terminal propagation
(a method for improving data locality adapted from
the circuit community), the ability to map partitions
intelligently to hypercube and mesh architectures,
and easy access to the Fiedler vector to assist the
development of new applications of spectral graph algorithms.
This capability has already been used in applications
ranging from gene sequencing to database design.
- DateOfInformation
- Thr Oct 15 16:11:21 1998
- Domain
- Numerical Programs and Routines!Graph and mesh partitioning
- Keyword
- data partitioning; unstructured grid
- Name
- TargetEnvironment
- Not Available
- TitleLine
- software for partitioning and ordering graphs
- Version
- 1.0
- Webpage
- http://www.cs.sandia.gov/HPCCIT/chaco.html
- ContactIs
- Bruce Hendrickson
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