SDDFSTATISTICS(1) NAME SDDFStatistics - Gather statistics about data fields of SDDF files SYNOPSIS SDDFStatistics [-toolkitoption ...] [-loadSummary file_name] [-openSDDF file_name] DESCRIPTION The SDDFStatistics program gathers a variety of statistics about the data fields of SDDF files, and can save these statistics to summary files which are themselves in SDDF format. Statistics are either generated by opening an SDDF file, or loaded from a previously saved summary file. Once the program has statistics, the user can interactively browse through them using the graphical user interface: 1. Statistics for the entire file are displayed along the top of the display. 2. Those for each record type in the file are dis- played in a panel at the lower left. 3. Clicking on a record type brings up statistics for each field of that record type in a panel at the lower right. 4. Clicking on a field causes a histogram to be dis- played summarizing the values of that field. Indi- vidual bins of the histogram can be inspected by clicking on them, and the histogram can be recon- figured. 5. Clicking on an array field type brings up statis- tics for each dimension of that field. OPTIONS SDDFStatistics accepts all of the standard X Toolkit com- mand line options along with the additional options listed below: -loadSummary file_name Load a previously generated summary file. -openSDDF file_name Open an SDDF file and gather statistics about its data fields. X RESOURCES The required resources are specified in the app- defaults/SDDFStatistics file; the runSDDFStatistics script runs SDDFStatistics after setting environment variables so that the resources can be located. Non-Widget Resources defaultHelpFileDir Specifies the directory containing the SDDFStatis- tics help files. WIDGETS In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of the widgets which compose SDDFStatistics. In the notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. All widgets are standard Motif widgets except for BarGraph. SDDFStatistics statInterface XmFormWidget workWindow XmRowColumnWidget rowColumn XmLabelWidget fileLabel XmTextFieldWidget fileText XmLabelWidget recordLabel XmTextFieldWidget recordText XmLabelWidget sizeLabel XmTextFieldWidget sizeText XmFrameWidget pixmapFrame XmLabelGadget pabloPixmap XmFormWidget summaryForm XmScrolledWindowWidget perFileScrollBox XmRowColumnWidget perFileCanvas XmLabelGadget ("Record Name") XmLabelGadget ("Count") XmFormWidget XmFrameWidget XmPushButtonWidget XmFrameWidget XmLabelWidget . . (repeat form for each record type) . XmScrolledWindowWidget perRecordScrollBox XmRowColumnWidget perRecordCanvas XmFormWidget XmLabelGadget . . (repeat for Field Name, Data Type, Minimum, . Maximum, Mean, and Std Dev labels) . XmFormWidget XmFrameWidget XmPushButtonWidget -or- XmLabelGadget . . (repeat for Field Name, Data Type, Minimum, . Maximum, Mean, and Std Dev values ) . . . (repeat for each field in the record) . XmMessageBox valuesHistogram XmFrameWidget XmFormWidget histForm XmFormWidget namesLabelForm XmLabelWidget "Field Name:" XmTextFieldWidget fieldName XmLabelWidget "Record Name:" XmTextFieldWidget recordName XmFormWidget bothDisplaysForm XmFormWidget underflowForm XmFormWidget form XmLabelWidget "Underflow (<):" XMTEXTFIELDWIDGET UNDERFLOWVALUE FORM OVERFLOWFORM XMLABELWIDGET UNDERFLOW COUNT: OVERFLOW ( XMFORMWIDGET UNDERFLOWCOUNT>):" XmTextFieldWidget overflowValue XmFormWidget form XmLabelWidget "Overflow Count:" XmTextFieldWidget overflowCount XmFrameWidget XmFormWidget histogramPlot XmDrawingAreaWidget da XmScrolledWindowWidget scrolledWindow XmFormWidget histWorkWindow XmLabelWidget xAxisLabel XmFormWidget yAxisLabels XLabelWidget bottomSpacing XLabelWidget countLabel XFormWidget yAxisRange XmLabelWidget maxCountLabel XmLabelWidget zeroCountLabel XmFormWidget histBarStack XmFormWidget form XmLabelWidget label BarGraphWidget barGraph . . (repeat for each histogram bin) . XmMessageBox binCount XmRowColumnWidget rowColumn XmFormWidget form XmLabelGadget label XmTextFieldWidget value . . (repeat label and value for Record Name, Field Name, . Bin Minimum, Bin Midpoint, Bim Maximum, and Bin Count) . XmMessageBox histogramConfig XmRowColumnWidget rowColumn XmFormWidget form XmLabelGadget XmTextFieldWidget valueTextField . . (repeat label and value for Record Name, Field Name, . Underflow Bin, Overflow Bin, Bin Count, and Bin Width) . XmMessageBox dimStats XmFormWidget statsForm XmFormWidget nameForm XmLabelGadget "Field Name:" XmTextFieldWidget fieldName XmLabelGadget "Record Name:" XmTextFieldWidget recordName XmScrolledWindowWidget scrolledWindow XmFormWidget statsDisplay XmFormWidget rowForm XmLabelGadget XmTextFieldWidget valueField . . (repeat label and value for Dimension, Minimum, . Maximum, Mean, and Std Dev) . FILES app-defaults/SDDFStatistics Required X resources. statsHelp/* Help files. statsSampleData/* Sample SDDF files and their corresponding summary files. SEE ALSO runSDDFStatistics(1), X(1), BarGraph(3-PerfW), Motif Wid- get Set Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format Dave Kohr, The Summary File Format for SDDFStatistics COPYRIGHT Copyright 1994, The University of Illinois Board of Trustees. AUTHOR Dave Kohr, University of Illinois Pablo Environment Nov 26, 1994