CONVERTAIMS(1) NAME ConvertAIMS - Convert an AIMS trace file to an SDDF file SYNOPSIS ConvertAIMS DESCRIPTION The ConvertAIMS program converts an AIMS trace file to an SDDF file. In order to perform the conversion, an SDDF file containing the descriptions of the SDDF record for- mats to be generated is required. The program first prompts for the name of the SDDF file containing record descriptions, then for the name of the AIMS trace file. Next it prompts for the format type of the output file (ASCII, binary, or converted binary) and the name of the output file. If the AIMS trace format changes, both the ConvertAIMS program and the supplied AimsFormat.ascii file will need to be changed. FILES/Templates/AimsFormat.ascii An ASCII format SDDF file containing the SDDF Record Descriptors that define the event types used by the NASA AIMS trace data files. SEE ALSO Ruth A. Aydt, The Pablo Self-Defining Data Format COPYRIGHT Copyright 1994, The University of Illinois Board of Trustees. AUTHOR Ruth A. Aydt, University of Illinois