
     Aims.monrc - AIMS monitor-configuration file

     The AIMS monitor collects data about  the  run-time  perfor-
     mance  of  selected  constructs  of instrumented application
     programs.  Its operation  is  controlled  by  several  user-
     settable  parameters, such as the name of the trace file and
     the size of the monitor buffer.   All  of  these  parameters
     have  default  values;  however,  the  user  can  edit these
     defaults as specified in the AIMS.monrc file in  the  direc-
     tory  from  which the instrumented program is run. This file
     is initially created  by  xinstrument(1)  or  batch_inst(1).
     Here is an example:

          TRACE_FILE:     /work1/guest/TRACE.OUT
          APPL_DB_FILE:   APPL_DB
          STAT_FILE:      /work1/guest/TRACE.OUT.STAT
          HOST_PROGRAM:   0
          BUFFER_SIZE:    262144
          FILE_MODE:      1
          SYNC_MODE:      0
          FLUSH_MODE:     1
          TRACE_LEVEL:    0
          STAT_LEVEL:     1
          MODEL:          0
          TRACE_SORT:     1

     Any subset of the following options may appear in any  order
     in  the  AIMS.monrc  file.  Default values (specified below)
     are used for options not explicity set.

          The name of the trace file relative  to  the  directory
          from  which  the program is run.  The default file name

          The instrumentors  encapsulate  information  about  the
          structure   of   an   application   program   into   an
          application-database   file   which   is   subsequently
          included in the trace file by the monitor.  By default,
          the instrumentors store  this  information  in  a  file
          named  APPL_DB  in the directory containing the instru-
          mented code.

          The name of the host's  trace  file.   The  default  is
          HTRACE.OUT.    Note,   this  option  is  used  only  if
           is being written to the CFS  (Intel  Para-

          Specifies how to write to the  node's  trace  file.   A
          value  of 0 means write to the file system of the host.
          A value of 1 means write to the CFS.  The default is  0
          if there is a host program, and 1 if there is not.

          If the application runs with a host program  (on  Intel
          Paragon),  then  this  value should be 1; otherwise, 0.
          The default is 0.

          This value determines when the  monitor  will  generate
          trace  records  for  instrumented constructs.  Possible
          values are:

          0    do not generate event trace

          1    generate  TRACE_BEGIN,   TRACE_END,   BLOCK_BEGIN,
               BLOCK_END, and MARKER records;

          2    generate PROC_BEGIN and PROC_END records;

          3    generate GLOBAL_BEGIN and GLOBAL_END records;

          4    generate message-passing records as well as  those
               in level 1-3.

               Higher settings subsume the lower  settings.   The
               default value is 4.

          This value determines when the  monitor  will  generate
          statistical   information  for  the  instrumented  con-
          structs.  The default value is 0 (no stat trace).

          Users may select a subset of instrumented constructs to
          monitor  by  specifying  a  profile.   The profile is a
          table of Boolean flags with an entry for each construct
          in   the   application.    Profiles   are   created  by
          xinstrument(1).. The default is to monitor  all  instru-
          mented  constructs.  The TRACE_LEVEL setting takes pre-
          cedence over any profile setting.

          The size, in bytes, of the monitor buffer used to store
          events  until  they  are  flushed.  The default is 256K
          (262144 bytes).

          If this value is 1,  the  monitor  flushes  its  buffer
          every time it is full; if 0, the monitor stops collect-
          ing data when the buffer fills up and  does  not  flush
          until  either  the end of execution or a user-initiated
          call to "flush_trace." In the latter case, data collec-
          tion  is resumed once the buffer has been flushed.  The
          default is 1.

          If this value is 1,  the  monitor  sorts  the  combined
          trace file.  Since the sorting is done only on one pro-
          cessor, it may be desirable to sort the trace  off-line
          to  save the multi-processor CPU time, especially for a
          large trace file.  To turn off the  trace  sorting  on-
          line, set this value to 0.  The default is 1.

     AIMS(1), MONITOR(3), xinstrument(1), batch_inst(1)
     The AIMS Reference Manual

AIMS Release 3.7    Last change: 2 July 1997