The Association shall be called the World occam and Transputer User Group (WoTUG).
WoTUG, its property and affairs shall be under the management and control of an elected Committee.
WoTUG shall:
i) encourage scientific and technological communication and discussion of the theory, practice and application of parallel computation, with particular regard to the use of the transputer family of processors and the use of languages such as occam.
ii) include in its field of interest all aspects of hardware and software development designed for use in parallel computation, including, in particular, those aspects which further the understanding of the communicating process paradigm.
iii) be interdisciplinary in character, and represent the transputer and occam parallel computational activities in industry, research laboratories and educational establishments.
iv) undertake an educational role within its field of interest by the organisation of conferences, workshops, tutorials, newsletters and any other means which the committee considers appropriate.
v) act as a focus for all of the other transputer and occam user groups throughout the world.
Applicants for membership shall be persons declaring themselves interested in parallel processing as described in section 3 above.
i) Each member of WoTUG (except an honorary life member) shall pay an annual subscription of such sum as shall be fixed by WoTUG at the Annual General Meeting.
ii) The committee shall have the power to annul the membership of any member more than one year in arrears with his or her subscription upon giving fourteen days notice to the member's registered address, unless all arrears are paid in full before the expiration of such notice.
iii) At the discretion of the committee, members who retire from full-time employment, and who have been active supporters of the activities of WoTUG, may be offered Honorary Life Membership of WoTUG entitling them to all the benefits of membership without payment of an annual subscription.
iv) The membership year runs from January 1st. to December 31st. December in the same calendar year.
i) The Committee shall be broadly based with no one field, institution type or institution unduly favoured.
ii) The Committee shall consist of Officers of WoTUG, i.e. a Chairman, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Membership Secretary along with ten other elected members of WoTUG and not more than four co-opted members.
iii) Election for the Officers and other Committee members shall occur at the Annual General Meeting. All fully paid up members of WoTUG shall be eligible to stand for office and to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for election to the Committee must be received by the Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. Each nomination must be signed by two fully paid up members of WoTUG and must be accompanied by evidence that the nominee is willing to serve on the Committee.
iv) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four additional members to its number if it considers that this will be beneficial to the Objects of WoTUG.
v) Five persons shall form a quorum at any meetings of the committee. If a quorum cannot be obtained, executive action may be taken by the appropriate Officer provided that written approval is given by the majority of the members of the Committee.
The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies received on behalf of WoTUG. All such monies shall be paid into an account in the name of WoTUG. All normal payments required for the day to day running of WoTUG shall be made by the Treasurer on behalf of WoTUG. Any other payment shall only be made provided the written approval of a quorum of the Committee has been obtained. Audited accounts shall be presented, by the Treasurer, at the Annual General Meeting.
The date of the Annual General Meeting will be fixed by the Committee. A General Meeting can be called by the Committee at any time. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary when requested, in writing, by at least 10% of the membership. A minimum of three weeks written notice of General meetings must be given to members. Thirty members will form a quorum at an Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting. Sixty members will form a quorum at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Constitution may be repealed, altered or added to by a resolution carried by a two thirds majority of those members present and voting at a General Meeting. Notice of any such resolution must be given to the Secretary in sufficient time for it to be included in the circulation agenda of the meeting.
This statement of the Constitution is in the original form of 31 March 1993.
Chairman, WoTUG
NOTE: wherever the term 'written approval' is used in the above constitution, this is defined to include Facsimile and Electronic Mail communications.