Crisis in HPC Discussion - John Pelan, Queen's University Belfast

From: John Pelan 
Subject: Re: Crisis-in-HPC conclusions
Organization: DAMTP, Queen's University of Belfast
Date: 4 Oct 95 17:06:14 GMT
Message-ID: <>

In conclusions, (phw) wrote:
>CONCLUSIONS: Crisis in HPC Workshop (11/9/95, UCL)
>  o Actions?
>    Educate/research/develop/publish/influence.
>    Teach high-level models of parallelism, independent of target
>    architecture.  Teach and research *good* models that scale, are
>    efficient and can extract much more of the parallelism in the
>    users' applications.  Priorities are: correctness, efficiency and
>    scalability, portability, reliability and clarity of expression.
>    Maintenance of existing vector/serial codes is not relevant for the
>    long term.
Moreover; --
John P
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