%T A Unifying Theory of True Concurrency Based on CSP and Lazy Observation %A Marc L. Smith %E Jan F. Broenink, Herman Roebbers, Johan P. E. Sunter, Peter H. Welch, David C. Wood %B Communicating Process Architectures 2005 %X What if the CSP observer were lazy? This paper considers the consequences of altering the behavior of the CSP observer. Specifically, what implications would this new behavior have on CSP&\[sh]8217;s traces? Laziness turns out to be a useful metaphor. We show how laziness permits transforming CSP into a model of true concurrency (i.e., non\-interleaved trace semantics). Furthermore, the notion of a lazy observer supports tenets of view\-centric reasoning (VCR): parallel events (i.e., true concurrency), multiple observers (i.e., different views), and the possibility of imperfect observation. We know from the study of programming languages that laziness is not necessarily a negative quality; it provides the possibility of greater expression and power in the programswe write. Similarly, within the context of the Unifying Theories of Programming, a model of true concurrency&\[sh]8212; VCR &\[sh]8212; becomes possible by permitting (even encouraging) the CSP observer to be lazy.