%T A CSP\-based Processing Architecture for a Flexible MIMO\-OFDM Testbed %A H. S. Cronie, F. W. Hoeksema, C. H. Slump %E Jan F. Broenink, Gerald H. Hilderink %B Communicating Process Architectures 2003 %X Future wireless communication systems require novel techniques to increasethe bitrate, coverage and mobility. One of these techniques is spatial multiplexingand we have investigated the use of a CSP\-based kernel in the implementation ofa spatial multiplexing testbed. It turns out that the use of the CSP\-based kernel notonly provides a good way of system modeling, but also provides a very scalable softwarearchitecture for the testbed. In future, we can change several system parameterswithout changing the software architecture. With the testbed we were able to verifythe concept of spatial multiplexing in an office environment.