%T Real\-Time Transputer Models of a Low\-Level Primate Vision %A Andrew B. Smith, Peter H. Welch %E J. Wexler %B OUG\-11: Developing Transputer Applications %X It is believed from psychophysical experiments that human vision operates in two stages: a parallel preattentive stage which extracts simple visual features and a sequential attentive stage in which local features of the scene are analysed. A processing model of the early preattentive stage has been developed. This model is computationly intensive making it unsuitable for implementation on sequential computer architectures. The development of a real\-time parallel transputer vision system based on this processing model is explained.The current implementation performs edge filtering over four separate resolution/field\-of\-view levels from 256 by 256 monochrome images. Eight T800\-20 transputers deliver over 40 frames per second. The software — hardware architecture is scalable so as to support higher resolutions and additional features (such as auto\-focusing, movement detection, and tracking) through the addition of extra transputers, whilst maintaining at least camera frame rates.