@InProceedings{QiangTurner88, title = "{R}andomised routing: \"{H}ot potato\" simulations", author= "Qiang, Xu Ming and Turner, Stephen J.", editor= "Askew, Charlie", pages = "81--90", booktitle= "{OUG}-9: {O}ccam and the {T}ransputer -- {R}esearch and {A}pplications", isbn= "90 5199 010 3", year= "1988", month= "sep", abstract= "In this paper, we describe experiments which simulate communication in a network of processors organised as a hypercube. A stochastic model o\pounds communication has been implemented in which each processor chooses at random another processor in the network with which to communicate. Deterministic and randomized routing algorithms are compared with respect to both the time taken for packets to reach their destinations and the space required for packet queues. A mixed strategy is discussed and evaluated which combines some of the advantages of each method. Questions of fault tolerance are also discussed and possible solutions presented." }