@InProceedings{IfillSchneider07, title = "{A} {S}tep {T}owards {R}efining and {T}ranslating {B} {C}ontrol {A}nnotations to {H}andel-{C}", author= "Ifill, Wilson and Schneider, Steve", editor= "McEwan, Alistair A. and Schneider, Steve and Ifill, Wilson and Welch, Peter H.", pages = "399--424", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2007", isbn= "978-1-58603-767-3", year= "2007", month= "jul", abstract= "Research augmenting B machines presented at B2007 has demonstrated how fragments of control flow expressed as annotations can be added to associated machine operations, and shown to be consistent. This enables designers\&\#8217; understanding about local relationships between successive operations to be captured at the point the operations are written, and used later when the controller is developed. This paper introduces several new annotations and I/O into the framework to take advantage of hardware\&\#8217;s parallelism and to facilitate refinement and translation. To support the new annotations additional CSP control operations are added to the control language that now includes: recursion, prefixing, external choice, if-then-else, and sequencing. We informally sketch out a translation to Handel-C for prototyping." }