db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
@InProceedings{Lawrence04b, title = "{T}riples", db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
author= "Lawrence, Adrian E.", db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
editor= "East, Ian R. and Duce, David and Green, Mark and Martin, Jeremy M. R. and Welch, Peter H.", db_connect: Could not connect to paper db at "wotug@dragon.kent.ac.uk"
pages = "157--184", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2004", isbn= "1 58603 458 8", year= "2004", month= "sep", abstract= "The most abstract form of acceptance semantics for a variant of CSPP is outlined. It encompasses processes which may involve priority, but covers a much wider class of systems including real time behaviour. It shares many of the features of the standard Failures-Divergences treatment: thus it is only a Complete Partial Order when the alphabet of events is finite." }