@InProceedings{East04b, title = "{T}owards a {S}emantics for {P}rioritized {A}lternation", author= "East, Ian R.", editor= "East, Ian R. and Duce, David and Green, Mark and Martin, Jeremy M. R. and Welch, Peter H.", pages = "253--264", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2004", isbn= "1 58603 458 8", year= "2004", month= "sep", abstract= "A new prioritised alternation programming construct and CSP operator have previously been suggested by the author to express behaviour that arises with machine-level prioritised vectored interruption. The semantics of each is considered, though that of prioritisation is deferred given the current lack of consensus regarding a suitable domain. Defining axioms for the operator are tentatively proposed, along with possible laws regarding behaviour. Lastly, the issue of controlled termination of component and construct is explored. This is intended as only a first step towards a complete semantics." }