@InProceedings{MartinTiskin04, title = "{D}ynamic {BSP}: {T}owards a {F}lexible {A}pproach to {P}arallel {C}omputing over the {G}rid", author= "Martin, Jeremy M. R. and Tiskin, Alex V.", editor= "East, Ian R. and Duce, David and Green, Mark and Martin, Jeremy M. R. and Welch, Peter H.", pages = "219--226", booktitle= "{C}ommunicating {P}rocess {A}rchitectures 2004", isbn= "1 58603 458 8", year= "2004", month= "sep", abstract= "The Bulk Synchronous model of parallel programming has proved to be a successful paradigm for developing portable, scalable, high performance software. Originally developed for use with traditional supercomputers, it was later applied to networks of workstations. Following the emergence of grid computing, new programming models are needed to exploit its potential. We consider the main issues relating to adapting BSP for this purpose, and propose a new model Dynamic BSP, which brings together many elements from previous work in order to deal with quality-of-service and heterogeneity issues. Our approach uses a task-farmed implementation of supersteps." }