@InProceedings{Tudruj97, title = "{F}ine-grained global control constructs for parallel programming environments", author= "Tudruj, Marek", editor= "Bakkers, Andr\`{e} W. P.", pages = "229--243", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-20: {P}arallel {P}rogramming and {J}ava", isbn= "90 5199 336 6", year= "1997", month= "mar", abstract= "Problems of evolved control in fine-grained parallel programs in distributed memory systems are discussed in the paper. Global control constructs are proposed which logically bind program modules, assign them to worker processors and define the involved flow of control. Implementation methods are discussed which assume control flow processing decoupled from data processing inside executive modules. The proposed constructs are extensions of the OCCAM 2 language. They can be incorporated into an intermediate code generated by a parallel language compiler or can be used by a programmer to define control flow between fine-grained program modules assigned to different processors. Architectural requirements for efficient implementation of the proposed control constructs are discussed." }